
(116503) 2019-01-26 Borussia Dortmund v Hannover 96

Timestamp Event Id Minute Type Description  
2019-01-26 13:32:04 1847136956 lineup
2019-01-26 13:32:04 1847136956 lineup
2019-01-26 14:30:16 1728392618 14:30:16 1s
2019-01-26 14:30:24 1728392618 14:30:24 1s
2019-01-26 14:31:11 1983547487 00:47 throwin
2019-01-26 14:31:11 1983547487 00:47 throwin
2019-01-26 14:32:03 1398393327 01:39 corner
2019-01-26 14:32:00 1549533392 deleted corner
2019-01-26 14:32:38 1985214562 02:14 block
2019-01-26 14:32:47 1750199571 02:22 block
2019-01-26 14:31:31 1402442680 01:07 shot
2019-01-26 14:33:07 2111769223 02:43 throwin
2019-01-26 14:31:40 1407222051 01:16 save
2019-01-26 14:32:05 1370223121 01:41 shot
2019-01-26 14:32:03 1398393327 01:39 corner
2019-01-26 14:33:48 1907159727 03:24 throwin
2019-01-26 14:32:01 1398393327 01:37 corner
2019-01-26 14:32:00 1370223121 01:36 shot
2019-01-26 14:31:31 1407222051 01:07 save
2019-01-26 14:32:01 1370223121 01:37 shot
2019-01-26 14:32:00 1398393327 01:36 corner
2019-01-26 13:32:04 1847136956 lineup
2019-01-26 14:34:43 1095096282 04:19 shot
2019-01-26 14:32:01 1370223121 01:37 shot
2019-01-26 14:32:00 1398393327 01:36 corner
2019-01-26 14:31:31 1407222051 01:07 save
2019-01-26 14:31:31 1407222051 01:07 save
2019-01-26 14:32:37 1728819639 02:13 shot
2019-01-26 14:35:32 1715303607 05:08 throwin
2019-01-26 14:32:46 1840164526 02:22 shot
2019-01-26 14:35:32 1715303607 05:08 throwin
2019-01-26 14:34:43 1621008248 04:19 save
2019-01-26 14:34:43 1095096282 04:19 shot
2019-01-26 14:38:48 2140651562 08:24 freekick
2019-01-26 14:31:30 1402442680 01:07 shot
2019-01-26 14:39:22 1928366661 08:58 card
2019-01-26 14:39:53 2056430587 09:29 throwin
2019-01-26 14:39:53 2056430587 09:29 throwin
2019-01-26 14:40:47 1694090504 10:23 throwin
2019-01-26 14:39:24 1928366661 09:00 card
2019-01-26 14:41:47 1980359969 11:23 freekick
2019-01-26 14:39:53 2056430587 09:29 throwin
2019-01-26 14:43:46 1302068996 13:21 freekick
2019-01-26 14:43:46 1302068996 13:21 freekick
2019-01-26 14:43:48 2130452467 13:24 shot
2019-01-26 14:43:48 1113276621 13:24 block
2019-01-26 14:43:47 2130452467 13:23 shot
2019-01-26 14:43:48 1113276621 13:24 block
2019-01-26 14:44:15 1746143516 13:51 corner
2019-01-26 14:43:48 1113276621 13:24 block
2019-01-26 14:43:47 1113276621 13:23 block
2019-01-26 14:45:59 1435669518 15:35 freekick
2019-01-26 13:32:04 1847136956 lineup
2019-01-26 14:47:45 1858658895 17:21 freekick
2019-01-26 13:32:04 1847136956 lineup
2019-01-26 14:48:31 1249331910 deleted take on
2019-01-26 14:39:25 1928366661 09:01 card
2019-01-26 14:49:31 1327380720 19:07 freekick
2019-01-26 14:49:50 2109201898 19:26 shot
2019-01-26 14:50:21 1258525535 19:57 shot
2019-01-26 14:51:14 2047387694 20:50 freekick
2019-01-26 14:50:21 1258525535 19:57 shot
2019-01-26 14:52:13 1922659187 21:49 shot
2019-01-26 14:52:13 1922659187 21:49 shot
2019-01-26 14:52:40 1809761016 deleted corner
2019-01-26 14:52:17 1125856558 deleted corner
2019-01-26 14:52:13 1922659187 21:49 shot
2019-01-26 14:53:46 1602820175 23:22 goal Achraf Hakimi assisted by Raphael Adelino José Guerreiro Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 14:53:46 1602820175 23:22 goal Achraf Hakimi assisted by Raphael Adelino José Guerreiro Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 14:53:46 1602820175 23:22 goal Achraf Hakimi assisted by Raphael Adelino José Guerreiro Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 14:56:22 2093516062 deleted ball touch
2019-01-26 14:57:06 1721624606 26:42 shot
2019-01-26 14:57:33 1582899112 deleted ball recovery
2019-01-26 14:58:12 1756780339 27:47 freekick
2019-01-26 14:58:32 1342371417 28:08 throwin
2019-01-26 14:57:06 1721624606 26:42 shot
2019-01-26 14:59:47 1681286095 29:23 throwin
2019-01-26 14:59:47 1681286095 29:23 throwin
2019-01-26 14:58:13 1913492216 deleted event placeholder
2019-01-26 14:58:12 1214650170 deleted event placeholder
2019-01-26 14:58:17 2023718673 27:53 shot
2019-01-26 14:58:19 1077013434 27:55 shot
2019-01-26 14:58:19 1077965326 27:55 block
2019-01-26 14:58:18 1077013434 27:55 shot
2019-01-26 15:02:25 1492280352 32:01 throwin
2019-01-26 15:03:37 1979415563 33:13 throwin
2019-01-26 14:58:18 1077965326 27:54 block
2019-01-26 14:58:18 1077013434 27:54 shot
2019-01-26 15:02:25 1492280352 32:01 throwin
2019-01-26 15:05:30 1308041853 35:06 shot
2019-01-26 15:04:26 1331536089 34:02 shot
2019-01-26 15:05:34 1247131096 deleted corner
2019-01-26 15:05:30 1308041853 35:06 shot
2019-01-26 15:05:30 1308041853 35:06 shot
2019-01-26 15:07:03 1169574367 36:39 corner
2019-01-26 15:07:49 1925390655 37:25 freekick
2019-01-26 15:04:29 1836159332 deleted ball touch
2019-01-26 15:08:54 1293191383 38:30 freekick
2019-01-26 15:09:13 1741738074 38:49 throwin
2019-01-26 15:09:36 2033875063 deleted dispossessed
2019-01-26 15:09:50 1226914433 39:26 freekick
2019-01-26 15:09:50 1226914433 39:26 freekick
2019-01-26 15:09:53 1837963572 39:29 save
2019-01-26 15:09:53 1612360751 39:29 shot
2019-01-26 15:10:04 1649271681 deleted corner
2019-01-26 15:09:50 1226914433 39:26 freekick
2019-01-26 15:10:28 1323801158 40:04 corner
2019-01-26 15:04:26 1331536089 34:02 shot
2019-01-26 15:04:26 1896806985 34:02 block
2019-01-26 15:13:14 1588142745 42:50 sub
2019-01-26 15:13:26 2090391439 43:02 throwin
2019-01-26 15:13:26 2090391439 43:02 throwin
2019-01-26 15:14:08 1363841021 43:44 card
2019-01-26 14:58:18 1077013434 27:54 shot
2019-01-26 15:15:44 1424058496 45:20 freekick
2019-01-26 15:15:44 1424058496 45:20 freekick
2019-01-26 15:15:53 1191489032 45:29 save
2019-01-26 15:15:53 1957081916 45:29 shot
2019-01-26 15:16:29 1642633425 46:05 throwin
2019-01-26 15:16:54 1355600347 46:30 save
2019-01-26 15:16:54 1355600347 deleted save
2019-01-26 15:16:52 2039385358 deleted aerial
2019-01-26 15:16:54 2009063992 deleted keeper pick-up
2019-01-26 15:16:54 1332290092 deleted temp_attempt
2019-01-26 15:16:52 1782426427 deleted aerial
2019-01-26 15:19:12 1939596393 15:19:12 1e
2019-01-26 15:19:04 1190623109 deleted out
2019-01-26 15:19:03 1939596393 15:19:03 1e
2019-01-26 15:19:03 1939596393 15:19:03 1e
2019-01-26 14:58:17 1077013434 27:54 shot
2019-01-26 15:14:41 1490791661 44:17 freekick
2019-01-26 15:15:44 1424058496 45:20 freekick
2019-01-26 15:14:08 1363841021 43:44 card
2019-01-26 15:15:53 1957081916 45:29 shot
2019-01-26 15:03:37 1979415563 33:13 throwin
2019-01-26 15:15:53 1957081916 45:29 shot
2019-01-26 15:15:53 1191489032 45:29 save
2019-01-26 15:07:49 1925390655 37:25 freekick
2019-01-26 14:31:26 2129997310 deleted pass
2019-01-26 14:31:30 1402442680 01:07 shot
2019-01-26 14:32:01 1370223121 01:37 shot
2019-01-26 14:32:00 1398393327 01:36 corner
2019-01-26 14:32:37 1728819639 02:13 shot
2019-01-26 14:32:46 1840164526 02:22 shot
2019-01-26 14:33:07 2111769223 02:43 throwin
2019-01-26 15:35:15 1816517614 15:35:15 2s
2019-01-26 15:35:50 1154628853 45:35 throwin
2019-01-26 15:35:59 2095369387 45:43 throwin
2019-01-26 15:37:00 1712534528 46:45 throwin
2019-01-26 15:37:00 1712534528 46:45 throwin
2019-01-26 15:37:12 1886734401 46:56 throwin
2019-01-26 15:37:24 1954543047 47:08 throwin
2019-01-26 15:37:00 1712534528 46:45 throwin
2019-01-26 15:38:33 1976743542 deleted tackle
2019-01-26 15:37:00 1712534528 46:45 throwin
2019-01-26 15:39:07 1114235094 48:51 freekick
2019-01-26 15:39:07 1114235094 48:51 freekick
2019-01-26 15:40:19 2039073792 50:03 block
2019-01-26 15:40:17 1857930714 50:01 shot
2019-01-26 15:40:36 1235674086 deleted corner
2019-01-26 15:40:34 1553532281 deleted challenge
2019-01-26 15:40:46 1570922125 50:30 corner
2019-01-26 15:41:58 1614839612 51:42 freekick
2019-01-26 15:41:55 1614839612 51:40 freekick
2019-01-26 15:42:13 1127383071 51:57 throwin
2019-01-26 15:40:17 1857930714 50:01 shot
2019-01-26 15:40:17 1857930714 50:01 shot
2019-01-26 15:42:13 1127383071 51:57 throwin
2019-01-26 15:42:58 1619587241 52:42 throwin
2019-01-26 15:42:08 1127383071 51:53 throwin
2019-01-26 15:42:07 1127383071 51:52 throwin
2019-01-26 15:44:04 1539842552 deleted ball recovery
2019-01-26 15:42:07 1127383071 51:52 throwin
2019-01-26 15:44:51 1411844954 deleted out
2019-01-26 15:44:55 1896654430 deleted out
2019-01-26 15:44:54 1386091944 deleted out
2019-01-26 15:45:19 1628898632 55:03 freekick
2019-01-26 15:43:41 1305321512 53:26 shot
2019-01-26 15:43:41 1305321512 53:26 shot
2019-01-26 15:43:41 1305321512 53:26 shot
2019-01-26 15:46:58 1793447550 56:43 freekick
2019-01-26 15:47:10 1255646935 56:54 shot
2019-01-26 15:47:10 2049715676 56:54 save
2019-01-26 15:46:58 1793447550 56:43 freekick
2019-01-26 15:48:00 1628475009 57:45 throwin
2019-01-26 15:42:27 1157860406 deleted ball touch
2019-01-26 15:48:00 1628475009 57:45 throwin
2019-01-26 15:48:49 1393788865 58:33 throwin
2019-01-26 15:49:06 2044135295 58:51 throwin
2019-01-26 13:32:04 1287595188 lineup
2019-01-26 15:47:10 1255646935 56:54 shot
2019-01-26 15:49:27 1991986469 59:12 goal Marco Reus assisted by Achraf Hakimi Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 15:51:03 1682829678 60:48 freekick
2019-01-26 15:50:54 1275123105 deleted out
2019-01-26 15:51:32 2146450782 61:16 throwin
2019-01-26 15:51:44 2122053189 61:28 throwin
2019-01-26 15:52:03 1413905870 61:48 goal Mario Götze assisted by Jadon Sancho Box, Right, goal
2019-01-26 15:52:03 1413905870 61:48 goal Mario Götze assisted by Jadon Sancho Box, Right, goal
2019-01-26 15:53:20 1705156654 deleted ball recovery
2019-01-26 15:53:56 1693337235 63:40 freekick
2019-01-26 13:32:04 1287595188 lineup
2019-01-26 15:55:57 1870253648 65:42 sub
2019-01-26 15:56:12 1386325168 65:56 throwin
2019-01-26 15:56:21 1305368389 66:06 goal Raphael Adelino José Guerreiro assisted by Marco Reus Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 15:57:46 1414480169 deleted ball touch
2019-01-26 15:58:49 2091848742 68:33 corner
2019-01-26 16:00:09 1701206582 69:53 sub
2019-01-26 16:00:18 1317075423 70:03 freekick
2019-01-26 16:00:54 2043013348 70:38 throwin
2019-01-26 16:01:45 1653064110 deleted take on
2019-01-26 16:02:07 1803687349 71:52 freekick
2019-01-26 16:02:14 1502129819 71:59 save
2019-01-26 16:00:41 1778576291 70:25 shot
2019-01-26 16:00:41 1778576291 70:25 shot
2019-01-26 16:03:33 1988903107 deleted out
2019-01-26 16:02:13 1892443596 71:57 shot
2019-01-26 16:02:13 1892443596 71:57 shot
2019-01-26 16:02:13 1892443596 71:57 shot
2019-01-26 16:04:53 1902169850 74:37 sub
2019-01-26 16:05:18 1695573368 75:02 corner
2019-01-26 16:05:49 1397191940 75:33 throwin
2019-01-26 16:06:12 2060430693 75:56 block
2019-01-26 16:06:11 1816249788 75:55 shot
2019-01-26 16:06:38 2112944248 76:23 corner
2019-01-26 16:04:24 1224676431 deleted out
2019-01-26 16:08:52 1861475157 78:37 sub
2019-01-26 16:09:05 2010615433 78:50 throwin
2019-01-26 16:11:57 1885760923 81:42 throwin
2019-01-26 16:13:46 1395086692 83:30 sub
2019-01-26 16:14:00 1862143742 83:45 throwin
2019-01-26 16:13:46 1395086692 83:30 sub
2019-01-26 16:14:12 1733067633 83:56 throwin
2019-01-26 16:14:49 1299646322 84:33 throwin
2019-01-26 16:15:53 1221152873 85:38 block
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1548904323 85:37 shot
2019-01-26 16:15:54 1791674784 85:39 goal Benjamin Hadzic Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 16:15:14 1566236272 deleted pass
2019-01-26 16:16:51 2000176046 deleted out
2019-01-26 16:16:39 2052550028 86:23 shot
2019-01-26 16:16:39 2052550028 86:23 shot
2019-01-26 16:17:12 1358027002 86:56 throwin
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1548904323 85:37 shot
2019-01-26 16:18:56 1460120448 88:40 freekick
2019-01-26 16:19:17 1869667762 deleted pass
2019-01-26 16:19:40 1377328097 deleted corner
2019-01-26 16:19:52 1270252426 deleted corner
2019-01-26 16:15:54 1791674784 85:39 goal Benjamin Hadzic Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 16:19:55 1397250339 89:39 corner
2019-01-26 16:20:10 1972560362 89:55 goal Jadon Sancho assisted by Axel Witsel Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 16:18:56 1460120448 88:40 freekick
2019-01-26 16:20:10 1972560362 89:55 goal Axel Witsel assisted by Jadon Sancho Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 16:21:19 1883697953 16:21:19 2e
2019-01-26 16:19:55 1397250339 89:39 corner
2019-01-26 16:20:45 1883697953 16:20:45 2e
2019-01-26 16:19:53 1397250339 89:38 corner
2019-01-26 16:22:22 2030206036 16:22:22 ft
2019-01-26 15:56:21 1305368389 66:06 goal Raphael Adelino José Guerreiro assisted by Marco Reus Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 15:56:16 1705587624 deleted pass
2019-01-26 15:56:21 1305368389 66:06 goal Raphael Adelino José Guerreiro assisted by Marco Reus Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 16:15:54 1791674784 deleted goal
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1221152873 deleted save
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1548904323 85:37 shot
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1548904323 85:37 shot
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1548904323 85:37 goal Marvin Bakalorz assisted by Benjamin Hadzic Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1548904323 85:37 goal Marvin Bakalorz assisted by Benjamin Hadzic Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1548904323 85:37 goal Marvin Bakalorz assisted by Benjamin Hadzic Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 16:15:52 1548904323 85:37 goal Marvin Bakalorz assisted by Benjamin Hadzic Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2019-01-26 15:56:21 1305368389 66:06 goal Raphael Adelino José Guerreiro assisted by Marco Reus Box, Centre, goal