2018-12-16 16:06:19 |
2108630333 |
lineup |
2018-12-16 16:06:19 |
1323661550 |
lineup |
2018-12-16 16:06:19 |
2108630333 |
lineup |
2018-12-16 17:02:03 |
1479325938 |
17:02:03 |
1s |
2018-12-16 17:03:27 |
1758474743 |
01:23 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:03:44 |
1437864689 |
01:40 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:03:27 |
1758474743 |
01:23 |
corner |
2018-12-16 16:06:19 |
1323661550 |
lineup |
2018-12-16 17:05:11 |
1571200895 |
03:08 |
card |
2018-12-16 17:06:28 |
1871869665 |
04:24 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:07:10 |
1802272129 |
05:06 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:07:58 |
1345821751 |
05:54 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:08:22 |
1834426010 |
06:18 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:08:27 |
1947620204 |
deleted |
ball recovery |
2018-12-16 17:09:17 |
1783241962 |
07:13 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:09:57 |
1468253271 |
07:53 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:07:56 |
1345821751 |
05:53 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:08:03 |
1350787788 |
06:00 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:12:19 |
1881617539 |
10:16 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:12:24 |
1947919386 |
10:20 |
block |
2018-12-16 17:12:22 |
1947919386 |
10:19 |
block |
2018-12-16 17:13:06 |
1513703909 |
11:02 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:12:22 |
1580719809 |
10:19 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:12:22 |
1580719809 |
10:19 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:13:59 |
1447235203 |
11:56 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:14:06 |
1765022681 |
12:02 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:12:22 |
1580719809 |
10:19 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:15:01 |
1170304872 |
12:57 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:03:24 |
1758474743 |
01:21 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:16:05 |
1693270404 |
14:01 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:16:19 |
1148306940 |
14:15 |
save |
2018-12-16 17:16:03 |
1693270404 |
14:00 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:16:18 |
1656284382 |
14:14 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:16:18 |
1656284382 |
14:14 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:16:52 |
2139338707 |
14:48 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:16:18 |
1148306940 |
14:14 |
save |
2018-12-16 17:16:18 |
1656284382 |
14:14 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:03:28 |
1396235858 |
deleted |
clearance |
2018-12-16 17:16:18 |
1656284382 |
14:14 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:03:24 |
1758474743 |
01:21 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:03:24 |
1758474743 |
01:21 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:03:24 |
1758474743 |
01:21 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:18:52 |
1331030082 |
16:48 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:19:29 |
1275258151 |
17:25 |
save |
2018-12-16 17:19:28 |
1373841527 |
17:24 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:00 |
1719728341 |
17:57 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:20:05 |
1096125766 |
18:02 |
block |
2018-12-16 17:20:05 |
1096125766 |
18:02 |
block |
2018-12-16 17:20:02 |
1096125766 |
17:59 |
block |
2018-12-16 17:20:00 |
1719728341 |
17:57 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:20:02 |
1956102305 |
17:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:08 |
1801567507 |
18:05 |
goal |
Karim Bellarabi Out Of Box, Centre, corner |
2018-12-16 17:20:08 |
1801567507 |
18:05 |
goal |
Karim Bellarabi Out Of Box, Centre, corner |
2018-12-16 17:20:08 |
1801567507 |
deleted |
goal |
2018-12-16 17:21:31 |
1702841897 |
19:28 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:19:28 |
1373841527 |
17:24 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:22:12 |
1707406167 |
20:08 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:19:28 |
1373841527 |
17:24 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:19:28 |
1373841527 |
17:24 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:02 |
1096125766 |
17:59 |
block |
2018-12-16 17:22:37 |
1944238749 |
20:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:19:28 |
1373841527 |
17:24 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:02 |
1956102305 |
17:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:00 |
1719728341 |
17:57 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:20:00 |
1719728341 |
17:57 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:20:02 |
1956102305 |
17:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:23:49 |
1635946542 |
21:45 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:24:30 |
1671217895 |
22:26 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:24:30 |
1671217895 |
22:26 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:25:01 |
1082722567 |
22:57 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:25:38 |
1989299629 |
23:35 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:22:37 |
1944238749 |
20:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:25:38 |
1989299629 |
23:35 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:25:35 |
1989299629 |
23:32 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:27:04 |
1958179021 |
25:01 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:28:16 |
1664593660 |
26:12 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:20:05 |
1236069770 |
18:02 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:04 |
1236069770 |
18:01 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:16:18 |
1656284382 |
14:14 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:12:22 |
1580719809 |
10:19 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:04 |
1236069770 |
18:01 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:29:15 |
1909268058 |
27:12 |
goal |
Danny da Costa assisted by Filip Kostic Small Box, goal |
2018-12-16 17:30:37 |
1928192794 |
28:33 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:31:05 |
1433038778 |
29:01 |
card |
2018-12-16 17:31:45 |
1106434069 |
29:41 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:32:14 |
1395843441 |
30:10 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:32:22 |
1204724793 |
30:18 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:32:43 |
1889698100 |
30:39 |
save |
2018-12-16 17:32:42 |
1732383464 |
30:38 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:32:42 |
1732383464 |
30:38 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:29:15 |
1909268058 |
27:12 |
goal |
Danny da Costa assisted by Filip Kostic Small Box, goal |
2018-12-16 17:33:37 |
1482922396 |
31:33 |
card |
2018-12-16 17:34:06 |
1873068217 |
32:02 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:34:30 |
2147235789 |
32:26 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:35:00 |
1428203286 |
32:56 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:32:42 |
1732383464 |
30:38 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:35:33 |
2063001477 |
33:29 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:36:34 |
1768016303 |
34:30 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:37:19 |
1076145642 |
deleted |
temp_attempt |
2018-12-16 17:37:46 |
2012893622 |
35:42 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:37:04 |
2067564376 |
35:00 |
save |
2018-12-16 17:37:03 |
1496606886 |
34:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:38:59 |
1601895567 |
36:55 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:39:26 |
1586636245 |
37:22 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:37:03 |
1496606886 |
34:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:39:53 |
1513460474 |
37:49 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:40:34 |
1295361298 |
38:31 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:40:34 |
1295361298 |
38:31 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:41:14 |
1974594223 |
39:10 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:41:33 |
2121627091 |
deleted |
pass |
2018-12-16 17:42:37 |
1544098352 |
40:34 |
save |
2018-12-16 17:42:41 |
1159106181 |
deleted |
ball recovery |
2018-12-16 17:42:37 |
1600548112 |
40:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:43:27 |
2051388514 |
41:24 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:43:38 |
1074202874 |
41:34 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:42:11 |
1167572314 |
40:08 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:32:42 |
1732383464 |
30:38 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:32:42 |
1732383464 |
30:38 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:46:35 |
1952327457 |
44:31 |
block |
2018-12-16 17:46:34 |
1588121561 |
44:30 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:46:52 |
1773610263 |
44:48 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:46:45 |
1773610263 |
44:42 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:47:45 |
1573162877 |
45:41 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:42:37 |
1600548112 |
40:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:48:17 |
1286713613 |
46:13 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 17:46:56 |
1516871605 |
44:52 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:46:51 |
1516871605 |
44:48 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:46:52 |
1516871605 |
44:49 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:48:52 |
1331212796 |
46:48 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:48:00 |
1181675334 |
45:56 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:48:00 |
1181675334 |
45:56 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:50:12 |
1510245372 |
48:08 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:50:13 |
2043698722 |
17:50:13 |
1e |
2018-12-16 17:50:13 |
2043698722 |
17:50:13 |
1e |
2018-12-16 17:50:07 |
1510245372 |
48:04 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:46:34 |
1588121561 |
44:30 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:03:29 |
1562341064 |
deleted |
clearance |
2018-12-16 17:46:52 |
1516871605 |
44:49 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:47:57 |
1181675334 |
45:54 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:47:57 |
1181675334 |
45:54 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:12:22 |
1580719809 |
10:19 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:16:18 |
1656284382 |
14:14 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:19:28 |
1373841527 |
17:24 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:00 |
1719728341 |
17:57 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:20:02 |
1956102305 |
17:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:22:37 |
1944238749 |
20:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:02 |
1956102305 |
17:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:00 |
1719728341 |
17:57 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:20:02 |
1956102305 |
17:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:04 |
1236069770 |
18:01 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:20:00 |
1719728341 |
17:57 |
corner |
2018-12-16 17:19:28 |
1373841527 |
17:24 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:22:37 |
1944238749 |
20:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:37:46 |
2012893622 |
35:42 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 17:42:50 |
1198500950 |
40:47 |
shot |
2018-12-16 17:42:50 |
1198500950 |
40:47 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:06:58 |
1679655639 |
18:06:58 |
2s |
2018-12-16 18:07:27 |
1449035521 |
45:28 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:09:01 |
1916180928 |
deleted |
ball touch |
2018-12-16 18:10:00 |
2090473950 |
48:01 |
block |
2018-12-16 18:09:58 |
1744185181 |
47:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:09:58 |
1744185181 |
47:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:10:32 |
1889233101 |
48:33 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:10:36 |
1180552195 |
48:38 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:10:32 |
1889233101 |
48:33 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:09:58 |
1744185181 |
47:59 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:09:58 |
2090473950 |
47:59 |
block |
2018-12-16 18:12:11 |
1143304591 |
50:12 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:10:32 |
1889233101 |
48:33 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:10:36 |
1180552195 |
48:38 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:12:48 |
1558619331 |
deleted |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:12:48 |
2027602091 |
50:49 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:12:48 |
2027602091 |
50:49 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:13:41 |
1267554542 |
51:42 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:14:00 |
1559857543 |
52:01 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:14:35 |
1495213340 |
52:37 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:14:59 |
1407306367 |
53:01 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:11:19 |
1729663270 |
deleted |
ball touch |
2018-12-16 18:17:28 |
1313711868 |
55:29 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:17:41 |
1652888369 |
deleted |
clearance |
2018-12-16 18:17:41 |
1260817825 |
deleted |
take on |
2018-12-16 18:18:12 |
1286343314 |
56:13 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:18:23 |
1586168967 |
56:25 |
goal |
Filip Kostic assisted by Sébastien Haller Box, Centre, goal |
2018-12-16 18:19:48 |
1164784544 |
57:50 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:20:11 |
1410559685 |
58:12 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:20:11 |
1410559685 |
58:12 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:21:04 |
1556091408 |
59:05 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:20:11 |
1410559685 |
58:12 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:21:32 |
1304704276 |
59:34 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:22:56 |
1484577996 |
60:57 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:23:32 |
1165494814 |
61:33 |
save |
2018-12-16 18:23:32 |
2099918215 |
61:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:24:00 |
1468720191 |
62:01 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:20:11 |
1410559685 |
58:12 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:20:11 |
1410559685 |
58:12 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:24:27 |
1778860533 |
62:28 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:24:36 |
1759971084 |
62:37 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:24:55 |
1099710671 |
62:56 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:25:22 |
1991251757 |
63:23 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:26:10 |
1156110368 |
64:12 |
goal |
Karim Bellarabi assisted by Leon Bailey Box, Deep Right, goal |
2018-12-16 18:27:23 |
1964599594 |
65:24 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:28:01 |
1284110765 |
66:02 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:26:10 |
1156110368 |
64:12 |
goal |
Karim Bellarabi assisted by Leon Bailey Box, Deep Right, goal |
2018-12-16 18:23:32 |
2099918215 |
61:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:23:32 |
2099918215 |
61:33 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:26:10 |
1156110368 |
64:12 |
goal |
Karim Bellarabi assisted by Leon Bailey Box, Deep Right, goal |
2018-12-16 18:30:14 |
1771594791 |
68:16 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:30:34 |
1134710530 |
68:35 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:31:08 |
1252320769 |
69:09 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:34:23 |
1538434966 |
72:25 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:24:00 |
1468720191 |
62:01 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:24:47 |
2109551961 |
62:49 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:35:32 |
1595637563 |
73:33 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:36:14 |
1992505374 |
74:16 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:37:01 |
1302550050 |
75:02 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:36:36 |
1645927855 |
deleted |
out |
2018-12-16 18:31:08 |
1252320769 |
69:09 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:37:03 |
1652410266 |
75:05 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:37:01 |
1302550050 |
75:02 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:37:54 |
1839007864 |
75:56 |
save |
2018-12-16 18:37:03 |
1652410266 |
75:05 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:37:01 |
1302550050 |
75:02 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:37:01 |
1302550050 |
75:02 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:37:03 |
1652410266 |
75:05 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:38:27 |
2143544718 |
76:28 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:37:50 |
1664440156 |
75:52 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:38:24 |
2143544718 |
76:26 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:37:50 |
1839007864 |
75:52 |
save |
2018-12-16 18:39:11 |
2088735554 |
77:13 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:38:24 |
2143544718 |
76:26 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:37:50 |
1664440156 |
75:52 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:38:25 |
2143544718 |
76:27 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:38:23 |
1410666873 |
76:25 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:39:57 |
1938688792 |
77:58 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:38:23 |
1410666873 |
76:25 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:40:14 |
1631931923 |
deleted |
ball recovery |
2018-12-16 18:40:56 |
1756217673 |
78:58 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:41:04 |
1093742788 |
79:05 |
save |
2018-12-16 18:40:56 |
1756217673 |
78:58 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:40:56 |
1756217673 |
78:58 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:41:41 |
1445601007 |
79:42 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:42:04 |
1399113009 |
80:05 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:41:01 |
1888560439 |
deleted |
pass |
2018-12-16 18:42:40 |
1445448728 |
80:41 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:42:49 |
1081322314 |
80:51 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:41:00 |
1271248269 |
79:02 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:40:54 |
1756217673 |
78:56 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:40:52 |
1756217673 |
78:54 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:41:00 |
1271248269 |
79:02 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:43:46 |
2089418715 |
81:47 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:41:00 |
1271248269 |
79:02 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:44:04 |
2075303942 |
82:05 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:44:24 |
1673975567 |
82:25 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:45:18 |
1364880570 |
83:19 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:45:52 |
1263836212 |
83:53 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:45:56 |
1656436426 |
83:57 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:46:13 |
1910397368 |
deleted |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:46:36 |
1756385359 |
84:37 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:45:18 |
1364880570 |
83:19 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:47:01 |
1699353485 |
85:02 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:47:21 |
1576688368 |
85:23 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:47:48 |
1127014488 |
85:49 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:47:28 |
1226040337 |
deleted |
ball touch |
2018-12-16 18:48:12 |
1520501460 |
86:14 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:48:49 |
1078713889 |
86:50 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:48:05 |
1078713889 |
86:07 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:49:21 |
1472352744 |
87:23 |
block |
2018-12-16 18:49:19 |
1454124863 |
87:21 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:48:06 |
1078713889 |
86:07 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:47:57 |
1078713889 |
85:59 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:50:11 |
1995598795 |
88:13 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:50:42 |
1707887215 |
88:43 |
card |
2018-12-16 18:50:02 |
1995598795 |
88:04 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:50:59 |
2137750859 |
89:01 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:52:08 |
1648487809 |
90:10 |
save |
2018-12-16 18:53:09 |
2034761517 |
91:11 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:53:12 |
1925004265 |
91:14 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:52:08 |
1168286033 |
90:09 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:53:38 |
1278854177 |
91:40 |
corner |
2018-12-16 18:53:01 |
2034761517 |
91:03 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:54:34 |
1208424204 |
92:36 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:55:21 |
1963799398 |
93:22 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:55:32 |
1553265797 |
93:34 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:49:19 |
1454124863 |
87:21 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:55:43 |
1498512741 |
93:44 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:56:05 |
1227150922 |
94:06 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:56:18 |
1193071820 |
18:56:18 |
2e |
2018-12-16 18:56:13 |
1193071820 |
18:56:13 |
2e |
2018-12-16 18:56:13 |
1193071820 |
18:56:13 |
2e |
2018-12-16 18:42:40 |
1445448728 |
80:41 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:45:52 |
1263836212 |
83:53 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:53:01 |
2034761517 |
91:03 |
sub |
2018-12-16 18:56:54 |
1563512428 |
18:56:54 |
ft |
2018-12-16 18:24:47 |
2109551961 |
62:49 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:24:47 |
2109551961 |
62:49 |
throwin |
2018-12-16 18:54:34 |
1208424204 |
92:36 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:54:34 |
1208424204 |
92:36 |
shot |
2018-12-16 18:24:04 |
1535393766 |
deleted |
out |
2018-12-16 18:24:03 |
1397170428 |
deleted |
clearance |
2018-12-16 18:24:04 |
1360189611 |
deleted |
out |
2018-12-16 18:22:56 |
1484577996 |
60:57 |
freekick |
2018-12-16 18:47:34 |
1687511444 |
deleted |
pass |
2018-12-16 18:52:08 |
1168286033 |
90:09 |
shot |