2017-10-14 13:19:21 |
1286688687 |
lineup |
2017-10-14 13:19:21 |
2065507228 |
lineup |
2017-10-14 13:19:21 |
2065507228 |
lineup |
2017-10-14 13:19:21 |
2065507228 |
lineup |
2017-10-14 13:19:21 |
1286688687 |
lineup |
2017-10-14 13:19:21 |
2065507228 |
lineup |
2017-10-14 14:30:57 |
1227596604 |
14:30:57 |
1s |
2017-10-14 14:32:59 |
1713393113 |
02:01 |
block |
2017-10-14 14:33:06 |
1613343057 |
02:08 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:32:55 |
1577070720 |
01:58 |
shot |
2017-10-14 13:19:21 |
2065507228 |
lineup |
2017-10-14 14:35:31 |
1458352837 |
04:33 |
block |
2017-10-14 14:35:28 |
2097470881 |
04:30 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:35:40 |
1644233273 |
04:43 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:35:44 |
1978171131 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-10-14 14:36:39 |
1206262006 |
05:42 |
save |
2017-10-14 14:36:38 |
2016445055 |
05:40 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:36:16 |
1288132414 |
05:18 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:36:37 |
1772392723 |
05:39 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:36:15 |
1214858352 |
05:18 |
save |
2017-10-14 14:36:36 |
2016445055 |
05:39 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:37:19 |
1587967171 |
06:22 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:36:35 |
1772392723 |
05:38 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:36:35 |
1206262006 |
05:38 |
save |
2017-10-14 14:36:36 |
2016445055 |
05:39 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:38:01 |
1167835817 |
07:04 |
goal |
Thomas Müller assisted by David Alaba Small Box, goal |
2017-10-14 14:40:28 |
1513373900 |
09:30 |
block |
2017-10-14 14:40:37 |
1114554910 |
09:39 |
save |
2017-10-14 14:40:34 |
1668289718 |
09:37 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:40:25 |
1989017284 |
09:28 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:40:57 |
1076836897 |
09:59 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:38:01 |
1167835817 |
07:04 |
goal |
Julian Schuster Small Box, ownGoal |
2017-10-14 14:42:05 |
1907093420 |
11:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:42:11 |
1139303099 |
11:13 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:42:05 |
1907093420 |
11:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:43:18 |
2027424534 |
12:21 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:38:01 |
1167835817 |
07:04 |
goal |
Julian Schuster Small Box, ownGoal |
2017-10-14 13:19:21 |
2065507228 |
lineup |
2017-10-14 14:45:34 |
1543774977 |
14:36 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:46:22 |
1354462402 |
15:24 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 14:47:05 |
1119771605 |
16:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:47:31 |
1928610838 |
16:33 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:47:36 |
2027798740 |
16:38 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:48:04 |
1524096312 |
17:07 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:49:17 |
1975353408 |
18:19 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:51:11 |
2053252654 |
20:13 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:51:11 |
2053252654 |
20:13 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:51:31 |
1625848964 |
20:33 |
save |
2017-10-14 14:51:30 |
1562577544 |
20:32 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:52:46 |
1886534141 |
21:49 |
save |
2017-10-14 14:52:43 |
2066224550 |
21:45 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:47:05 |
1119771605 |
16:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:55:26 |
2107351222 |
24:28 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 14:47:05 |
1119771605 |
16:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:47:08 |
1571987345 |
16:10 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:47:08 |
1571987345 |
16:10 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:56:04 |
1983569017 |
25:06 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:47:05 |
1119771605 |
16:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:47:08 |
1571987345 |
16:10 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:47:05 |
1119771605 |
16:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:47:05 |
1119771605 |
16:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 14:47:08 |
1571987345 |
16:10 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:57:05 |
1885292220 |
26:07 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 14:58:19 |
1318396114 |
27:22 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 14:58:54 |
2086773512 |
27:57 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:03:27 |
2135232539 |
32:30 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:03:57 |
1852524690 |
33:00 |
block |
2017-10-14 15:03:57 |
1381649146 |
32:59 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:03:57 |
1381649146 |
32:59 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:04:49 |
1136028825 |
33:51 |
block |
2017-10-14 15:04:49 |
1632409353 |
33:51 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:04:49 |
1136028825 |
33:51 |
block |
2017-10-14 14:57:05 |
1885292220 |
26:07 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:05:41 |
1498611668 |
34:43 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:05:38 |
1498611668 |
34:41 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:06:58 |
1577468578 |
36:00 |
corner |
2017-10-14 15:06:58 |
1577468578 |
36:00 |
corner |
2017-10-14 15:07:02 |
2106991281 |
36:05 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:06:58 |
1577468578 |
36:00 |
corner |
2017-10-14 15:07:02 |
2106991281 |
36:05 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:07:53 |
1091482347 |
36:55 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:09:04 |
1339409192 |
38:06 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:11:52 |
1564884938 |
40:54 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:12:27 |
1664409176 |
41:29 |
save |
2017-10-14 15:12:25 |
1684453133 |
41:28 |
goal |
Kingsley Coman Box, Centre, goal |
2017-10-14 15:12:23 |
2017104647 |
41:25 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:12:25 |
1684453133 |
41:28 |
goal |
Kingsley Coman Box, Centre, goal |
2017-10-14 15:14:37 |
1821060942 |
43:39 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:14:42 |
1450902379 |
43:44 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:15:57 |
1728817591 |
44:59 |
block |
2017-10-14 15:15:54 |
1493636657 |
44:56 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:16:00 |
1907830641 |
15:16:00 |
1e |
2017-10-14 15:16:00 |
1907830641 |
15:16:00 |
1e |
2017-10-14 15:15:54 |
1493636657 |
44:56 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:35:28 |
2097470881 |
04:30 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:32:55 |
1577070720 |
01:58 |
shot |
2017-10-14 14:36:15 |
1288132414 |
05:18 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:07:53 |
1091482347 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-10-14 15:07:54 |
1234988879 |
36:56 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:34:08 |
1590961129 |
15:34:08 |
2s |
2017-10-14 15:34:54 |
1157914798 |
45:46 |
block |
2017-10-14 15:35:14 |
1992969800 |
46:05 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:34:52 |
1429656663 |
45:43 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:36:19 |
1413123210 |
47:11 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:37:06 |
1669509715 |
47:57 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:37:33 |
2075093119 |
48:25 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:36:19 |
1413123210 |
47:11 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:37:56 |
2018480903 |
48:48 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:38:11 |
1603649722 |
49:03 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:38:43 |
1894598042 |
49:35 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:38:18 |
1463880166 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-10-14 15:41:26 |
1674961187 |
52:18 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:42:09 |
1143050811 |
53:01 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:43:34 |
2085173673 |
54:26 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:43:53 |
1675056933 |
54:45 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:37:32 |
2075093119 |
48:24 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:45:56 |
1783250512 |
56:48 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:46:32 |
1572063763 |
57:24 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:47:07 |
1380035572 |
57:59 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:47:07 |
1380035572 |
57:59 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:47:09 |
1713396235 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-10-14 15:48:44 |
1538393030 |
59:36 |
penalty |
2017-10-14 15:48:44 |
1538393030 |
59:36 |
penalty |
2017-10-14 15:50:55 |
1498116191 |
61:47 |
corner |
2017-10-14 15:51:24 |
1952111758 |
62:16 |
goal |
Thiago Alcántara do Nascimento assisted by Mats Hummels Out Of Box, Centre, goal |
2017-10-14 15:50:55 |
1498116191 |
61:47 |
corner |
2017-10-14 15:51:24 |
1952111758 |
62:16 |
goal |
Thiago Alcántara do Nascimento assisted by Mats Hummels Out Of Box, Centre, corner |
2017-10-14 15:54:34 |
1137173459 |
65:26 |
sub |
2017-10-14 15:54:46 |
1864585717 |
65:38 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 15:55:47 |
1859489198 |
66:39 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:55:47 |
1859489198 |
66:39 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:58:13 |
1692067025 |
deleted |
take on |
2017-10-14 15:58:36 |
1620963423 |
69:28 |
sub |
2017-10-14 15:58:40 |
1203465218 |
69:32 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:58:34 |
1620963423 |
69:26 |
sub |
2017-10-14 15:58:34 |
1620963423 |
69:26 |
sub |
2017-10-14 15:59:15 |
1933345687 |
70:07 |
corner |
2017-10-14 15:59:37 |
1959100486 |
70:29 |
sub |
2017-10-14 15:54:34 |
1137173459 |
65:26 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:00:16 |
2038375894 |
71:08 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 15:59:37 |
1959100486 |
70:29 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:00:53 |
2073669137 |
deleted |
ball recovery |
2017-10-14 16:04:01 |
1216166668 |
74:53 |
goal |
Robert Lewandowski assisted by Thomas Müller Box, Centre, goal |
2017-10-14 16:05:04 |
1261813008 |
75:56 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:04:01 |
1216166668 |
74:53 |
goal |
Robert Lewandowski assisted by Thomas Müller Box, Centre, goal |
2017-10-14 16:06:06 |
1479755660 |
76:58 |
save |
2017-10-14 16:06:06 |
1998881107 |
76:58 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:58:34 |
1620963423 |
69:26 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:06:56 |
1619539653 |
77:47 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:07:04 |
1709931435 |
77:56 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 16:09:10 |
2081365876 |
80:02 |
corner |
2017-10-14 16:09:08 |
1332079944 |
80:00 |
save |
2017-10-14 16:09:08 |
1332079944 |
80:00 |
save |
2017-10-14 16:09:51 |
1779976412 |
80:43 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 16:10:04 |
1114232244 |
80:56 |
save |
2017-10-14 16:10:33 |
1608443745 |
81:24 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:10:02 |
1286637870 |
80:53 |
shot |
2017-10-14 16:10:45 |
1418683412 |
81:36 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 16:12:54 |
1639115266 |
83:46 |
shot |
2017-10-14 16:09:07 |
1332079944 |
79:59 |
save |
2017-10-14 16:09:07 |
1332079944 |
79:59 |
save |
2017-10-14 16:09:04 |
1332079944 |
79:56 |
save |
2017-10-14 16:13:37 |
1898529944 |
84:28 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 16:14:22 |
1736307113 |
85:14 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 16:05:04 |
1261813008 |
75:56 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:10:33 |
1608443745 |
81:24 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:16:22 |
1205611134 |
87:14 |
block |
2017-10-14 16:16:22 |
1456544178 |
87:14 |
shot |
2017-10-14 16:16:42 |
1438395252 |
87:34 |
corner |
2017-10-14 16:17:07 |
1638361552 |
87:59 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 16:18:10 |
2121796871 |
89:02 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 16:18:23 |
1297869889 |
89:15 |
throwin |
2017-10-14 16:18:47 |
1113970556 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-10-14 16:19:19 |
1517035500 |
90:11 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 16:20:38 |
1896112605 |
deleted |
ball recovery |
2017-10-14 16:22:03 |
1648922995 |
92:55 |
goal |
Joshua Kimmich assisted by Kingsley Coman Box, Centre, goal |
2017-10-14 16:22:48 |
1180895185 |
16:22:48 |
2e |
2017-10-14 16:22:03 |
1648922995 |
92:55 |
goal |
Joshua Kimmich assisted by Kingsley Coman Small Box, Right, goal |
2017-10-14 16:05:04 |
1261813008 |
75:56 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:11:44 |
1786900322 |
deleted |
event placeholder |
2017-10-14 16:26:19 |
1996596213 |
16:26:19 |
ft |
2017-10-14 15:50:55 |
1498116191 |
61:47 |
corner |
2017-10-14 16:04:48 |
1261813008 |
75:40 |
sub |
2017-10-14 16:06:56 |
1619539653 |
77:47 |
sub |
2017-10-14 15:42:21 |
1731133106 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-10-14 15:37:33 |
1409311632 |
deleted |
challenge |
2017-10-14 15:37:33 |
1343774835 |
deleted |
take on |
2017-10-14 16:19:19 |
1517035500 |
90:11 |
freekick |
2017-10-14 16:10:02 |
1286637870 |
80:53 |
shot |
2017-10-14 15:51:12 |
1854030633 |
deleted |
ball touch |