
(95324) 2017-05-06 FC Ingolstadt 04 v Bayer Leverkusen

Timestamp Event Id Minute Type Description  
2017-05-06 13:36:39 1803698767 lineup
2017-05-06 13:36:39 2082167016 lineup
2017-05-06 13:36:39 1803698767 lineup
2017-05-06 13:36:39 2082167016 lineup
2017-05-06 13:36:39 2082167016 lineup
2017-05-06 13:36:39 1803698767 lineup
2017-05-06 14:30:04 1218443832 14:30:04 1s
2017-05-06 14:30:51 1454678566 00:46 throwin
2017-05-06 14:31:58 1459823323 01:54 throwin
2017-05-06 14:31:57 1459823323 01:53 throwin
2017-05-06 14:32:13 1362416544 02:09 shot
2017-05-06 14:32:50 2141221604 deleted ball touch
2017-05-06 14:33:27 1716011171 03:23 freekick
2017-05-06 14:33:39 1268608521 03:34 throwin
2017-05-06 14:34:08 1811036412 04:03 throwin
2017-05-06 14:34:27 1266591982 deleted ball touch
2017-05-06 14:35:30 2004646645 05:25 corner
2017-05-06 14:35:34 1983662536 05:29 save
2017-05-06 14:35:32 1939463962 05:28 shot
2017-05-06 14:35:32 1983662536 05:28 save
2017-05-06 14:35:30 2004646645 05:25 corner
2017-05-06 14:35:30 2004646645 05:25 corner
2017-05-06 14:35:32 1939463962 05:28 shot
2017-05-06 14:36:01 2061373375 05:56 throwin
2017-05-06 14:36:27 1999293313 06:22 throwin
2017-05-06 14:36:50 1995655028 06:46 throwin
2017-05-06 14:37:56 1734946981 07:51 throwin
2017-05-06 14:38:16 1902132368 08:11 throwin
2017-05-06 14:39:21 1786580047 09:16 throwin
2017-05-06 14:41:41 1209680472 11:36 throwin
2017-05-06 14:41:41 1209680472 11:36 throwin
2017-05-06 14:42:51 1162713322 12:46 throwin
2017-05-06 14:43:07 1725429796 13:02 throwin
2017-05-06 14:43:07 1725429796 13:02 throwin
2017-05-06 14:44:10 1466651464 14:06 freekick
2017-05-06 14:44:32 1195154979 deleted 50/50
2017-05-06 14:43:09 1964736307 deleted pass
2017-05-06 14:45:16 1327182494 15:11 freekick
2017-05-06 14:45:16 1327182494 15:11 freekick
2017-05-06 14:45:46 2105841985 15:41 freekick
2017-05-06 14:46:35 2022553233 16:30 corner
2017-05-06 14:48:19 1491640065 18:14 freekick
2017-05-06 14:48:19 1491640065 18:14 freekick
2017-05-06 14:49:24 2082616618 19:20 corner
2017-05-06 14:49:44 1138465466 19:40 corner
2017-05-06 14:50:01 1594299768 deleted take on
2017-05-06 14:50:43 1892990403 20:38 freekick
2017-05-06 14:51:18 1927842213 21:14 throwin
2017-05-06 14:52:00 1328946845 21:56 throwin
2017-05-06 14:52:21 2119979637 22:16 card
2017-05-06 14:53:02 1189623191 22:57 freekick
2017-05-06 14:54:17 1641281358 24:13 throwin
2017-05-06 14:54:46 1610360668 24:42 block
2017-05-06 14:54:46 1610360668 24:42 block
2017-05-06 14:55:19 1466672441 25:15 throwin
2017-05-06 14:54:45 1574949110 24:41 shot
2017-05-06 14:55:44 1760456859 25:39 throwin
2017-05-06 14:54:45 1574949110 24:41 shot
2017-05-06 14:56:26 1481003115 26:21 throwin
2017-05-06 14:56:49 1225250903 26:44 throwin
2017-05-06 14:58:29 1988049722 28:24 corner
2017-05-06 14:58:33 1891535376 28:29 shot
2017-05-06 14:59:31 1128705103 29:26 freekick
2017-05-06 14:59:31 1128705103 29:26 freekick
2017-05-06 15:00:04 2009735843 30:00 throwin
2017-05-06 15:01:40 2086733075 31:36 freekick
2017-05-06 15:02:56 1790375302 32:51 throwin
2017-05-06 15:03:16 1547768983 33:11 throwin
2017-05-06 15:04:23 1456541422 34:19 throwin
2017-05-06 15:04:23 1456541422 34:19 throwin
2017-05-06 15:04:40 1236456484 34:35 card
2017-05-06 15:04:21 1456541422 34:17 throwin
2017-05-06 15:04:33 1236456484 34:29 card
2017-05-06 15:04:21 1456541422 34:17 throwin
2017-05-06 15:04:58 1607270361 34:54 freekick
2017-05-06 15:04:26 1236456484 34:22 card
2017-05-06 15:04:21 1456541422 34:17 throwin
2017-05-06 15:05:55 1099038778 35:50 corner
2017-05-06 15:06:02 1271829820 35:57 save
2017-05-06 15:05:27 1173217764 deleted 50/50
2017-05-06 15:05:55 1099038778 35:50 corner
2017-05-06 15:05:59 1684667141 35:55 shot
2017-05-06 15:07:17 1603201514 deleted 50/50
2017-05-06 15:08:30 1835165966 38:25 freekick
2017-05-06 15:09:17 1784700267 39:13 throwin
2017-05-06 15:10:02 1916402437 deleted aerial
2017-05-06 15:10:24 2108740096 40:19 freekick
2017-05-06 15:10:29 1459360641 40:25 shot
2017-05-06 15:11:05 1185906165 41:00 throwin
2017-05-06 15:11:18 1173659020 41:13 throwin
2017-05-06 15:11:53 1577819744 41:49 corner
2017-05-06 15:12:19 1247066421 deleted ball recovery
2017-05-06 15:12:28 1975475030 42:23 throwin
2017-05-06 15:13:05 2143693011 43:01 throwin
2017-05-06 15:13:23 2065144206 43:18 throwin
2017-05-06 15:13:25 1845841485 deleted aerial
2017-05-06 15:13:51 1560431800 43:46 throwin
2017-05-06 15:14:19 1923866271 deleted aerial
2017-05-06 15:14:46 1449258237 44:41 freekick
2017-05-06 15:15:20 1278195458 45:15 throwin
2017-05-06 15:16:06 1523713268 15:16:06 1e
2017-05-06 15:12:52 1349971430 deleted ball touch
2017-05-06 15:04:21 1456541422 34:17 throwin
2017-05-06 15:04:20 1456541422 34:16 throwin
2017-05-06 15:32:20 1144498064 45:00 sub
2017-05-06 15:32:54 1789661983 15:32:54 2s
2017-05-06 15:33:26 1883332813 45:32 throwin
2017-05-06 15:32:20 1144498064 45:00 sub
2017-05-06 15:33:40 2072353530 45:45 throwin
2017-05-06 15:33:40 2072353530 45:45 throwin
2017-05-06 15:33:45 1195820677 45:51 shot
2017-05-06 15:34:32 1864924473 46:37 throwin
2017-05-06 15:33:40 2072353530 45:45 throwin
2017-05-06 15:33:45 1195820677 45:51 shot
2017-05-06 15:35:50 1110521797 47:55 throwin
2017-05-06 15:36:09 1905410632 48:15 throwin
2017-05-06 15:36:53 1785396850 48:58 throwin
2017-05-06 15:36:53 1785396850 48:58 throwin
2017-05-06 15:37:24 1423425719 49:30 throwin
2017-05-06 15:38:59 1818396671 51:05 shot
2017-05-06 15:38:59 1818396671 51:05 shot
2017-05-06 15:39:59 1488626040 deleted failed to block
2017-05-06 15:40:24 1940746632 52:30 throwin
2017-05-06 15:39:59 2111880520 deleted failed to block
2017-05-06 15:41:38 1111920870 53:43 freekick
2017-05-06 15:42:05 1410959857 54:11 throwin
2017-05-06 15:42:44 1548850012 54:49 corner
2017-05-06 15:42:44 1548850012 54:49 corner
2017-05-06 15:42:49 1229803497 54:54 shot
2017-05-06 15:42:44 1548850012 54:49 corner
2017-05-06 15:42:49 1229803497 54:54 shot
2017-05-06 15:44:02 1837169771 56:08 save
2017-05-06 15:44:02 1837169771 56:08 save
2017-05-06 15:44:00 1416550982 56:06 shot
2017-05-06 15:44:32 1525751533 56:38 throwin
2017-05-06 15:44:46 1760573831 deleted take on
2017-05-06 15:44:46 1258589147 deleted tackle
2017-05-06 15:45:34 1181840808 57:40 shot
2017-05-06 15:45:34 1181840808 57:40 shot
2017-05-06 15:47:01 2014749080 59:06 block
2017-05-06 15:46:42 1332813956 58:47 shot
2017-05-06 15:46:52 1447337013 deleted clearance
2017-05-06 15:47:19 2079693599 59:24 card
2017-05-06 15:47:01 2014749080 59:06 block
2017-05-06 15:46:42 2062910286 58:47 save
2017-05-06 15:46:59 1272539475 59:05 shot
2017-05-06 15:46:59 2014749080 59:05 block
2017-05-06 15:48:29 1750372297 60:35 freekick
2017-05-06 15:46:59 1272539475 59:05 shot
2017-05-06 15:49:13 1657200262 61:18 throwin
2017-05-06 15:49:47 1309656677 61:52 throwin
2017-05-06 15:50:08 1925763320 62:14 throwin
2017-05-06 15:50:12 1102345343 deleted interception
2017-05-06 15:50:28 1580255783 62:34 throwin
2017-05-06 15:46:44 1780189537 deleted pass
2017-05-06 15:52:11 2019631771 64:16 throwin
2017-05-06 15:53:00 1090312265 65:05 freekick
2017-05-06 15:53:38 1343338963 65:44 freekick
2017-05-06 15:53:59 2093193680 66:05 throwin
2017-05-06 15:54:59 1544398099 67:04 card
2017-05-06 15:55:30 1281903428 67:35 freekick
2017-05-06 15:52:11 2019631771 64:16 throwin
2017-05-06 15:57:19 1600825910 69:24 throwin
2017-05-06 15:57:25 1966327087 deleted ball recovery
2017-05-06 15:58:04 1647826686 70:09 throwin
2017-05-06 15:58:04 1647826686 70:09 throwin
2017-05-06 15:58:09 1863712759 70:15 shot
2017-05-06 15:58:07 1863712759 70:13 shot
2017-05-06 15:59:13 1488066134 71:18 freekick
2017-05-06 15:57:48 2021637452 deleted ball touch
2017-05-06 15:59:31 1980662143 71:36 throwin
2017-05-06 15:59:50 2089029943 71:56 throwin
2017-05-06 15:59:57 1746760068 72:03 goal Sonny Kittel assisted by Darío Lezcano Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2017-05-06 16:01:00 1593640176 73:06 sub
2017-05-06 15:59:57 1746760068 72:03 goal Sonny Kittel assisted by Darío Lezcano Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2017-05-06 16:00:56 1593640176 73:02 sub
2017-05-06 16:01:23 1410522544 deleted ball touch
2017-05-06 16:02:33 1386970356 74:39 corner
2017-05-06 16:02:33 1386970356 74:39 corner
2017-05-06 16:02:39 1166864433 74:44 shot
2017-05-06 16:03:04 1709342609 deleted pass
2017-05-06 16:02:39 1166864433 74:45 shot
2017-05-06 16:04:32 1875543212 76:37 throwin
2017-05-06 16:04:53 1821941702 76:58 sub
2017-05-06 16:05:05 1376879195 77:10 corner
2017-05-06 16:05:05 1376879195 77:10 corner
2017-05-06 16:05:07 1756987128 77:13 goal Kai Havertz assisted by Wendell Nascimento Borges Small Box, Right, corner
2017-05-06 16:05:05 1509697819 deleted aerial
2017-05-06 16:05:06 1756987128 77:12 goal Kai Havertz assisted by Wendell Nascimento Borges Small Box, Right, corner
2017-05-06 16:05:07 1756987128 77:13 goal Kai Havertz assisted by Wendell Nascimento Borges Box, Centre, corner
2017-05-06 16:06:07 1575939224 78:12 throwin
2017-05-06 16:06:23 1257518431 78:28 throwin
2017-05-06 16:07:32 1722829255 79:38 freekick
2017-05-06 16:08:02 1580099306 deleted failed to block
2017-05-06 16:08:42 1593649273 80:47 corner
2017-05-06 16:08:45 2107133123 80:51 shot
2017-05-06 16:09:53 1843634818 81:59 block
2017-05-06 16:09:51 1947012581 81:57 shot
2017-05-06 16:10:37 1530449797 82:43 corner
2017-05-06 16:10:56 2065525587 83:02 throwin
2017-05-06 16:09:51 1947012581 81:57 shot
2017-05-06 16:09:51 1947012581 81:57 shot
2017-05-06 16:11:54 1940252508 83:59 sub
2017-05-06 16:11:58 1938707568 84:04 throwin
2017-05-06 16:11:46 1940252508 83:52 sub
2017-05-06 16:12:41 1169780524 84:47 throwin
2017-05-06 16:13:02 1205210451 deleted aerial
2017-05-06 16:13:13 1535632456 85:18 freekick
2017-05-06 16:13:23 1302476650 85:28 shot
2017-05-06 16:14:27 1638508418 86:33 throwin
2017-05-06 16:15:32 1293786920 87:38 throwin
2017-05-06 16:15:42 1513939548 87:48 throwin
2017-05-06 16:16:18 1479845529 88:23 throwin
2017-05-06 16:15:24 1119562189 deleted failed to block
2017-05-06 16:17:10 1610124931 89:15 shot
2017-05-06 16:19:09 1293106035 91:14 sub
2017-05-06 16:19:30 1430667540 91:35 corner
2017-05-06 16:19:44 2007100780 91:49 save
2017-05-06 16:19:40 1745507160 91:46 shot
2017-05-06 16:21:03 2074217274 93:09 freekick
2017-05-06 16:21:14 2036550271 16:21:14 2e
2017-05-06 16:21:10 2036550271 16:21:10 2e
2017-05-06 16:19:40 1745507160 91:46 shot
2017-05-06 16:00:56 1593640176 73:02 sub
2017-05-06 16:04:53 1821941702 76:58 sub
2017-05-06 16:22:09 1664427849 16:22:09 ft
2017-05-06 16:19:09 1293106035 91:14 sub
2017-05-06 16:11:46 1940252508 83:52 sub
2017-05-06 15:32:20 1144498064 45:00 sub
2017-05-06 16:11:46 1940252508 83:52 sub
2017-05-06 16:19:09 1293106035 91:14 sub
2017-05-06 15:57:48 1175115861 deleted failed to block
2017-05-06 15:46:59 2014749080 59:05 block
2017-05-06 15:05:59 1271829820 35:55 save