2017-04-07 18:24:03 |
1774976675 |
lineup |
2017-04-07 18:24:03 |
1818755751 |
lineup |
2017-04-07 18:24:03 |
1774976675 |
lineup |
2017-04-07 18:24:03 |
1818755751 |
lineup |
2017-04-07 19:30:02 |
2022205612 |
19:30:02 |
1s |
2017-04-07 19:30:39 |
1229106878 |
00:37 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 19:31:29 |
1681609452 |
01:26 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:31:51 |
1182093962 |
01:48 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:32:29 |
1908068717 |
02:27 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:32:49 |
2000426777 |
02:46 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:31:57 |
1957224034 |
deleted |
50/50 |
2017-04-07 19:31:57 |
1274711963 |
deleted |
50/50 |
2017-04-07 19:31:58 |
2099775114 |
deleted |
ball touch |
2017-04-07 19:33:06 |
1335919643 |
03:04 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:33:22 |
1580787677 |
03:20 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 19:33:55 |
1934949197 |
03:53 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 19:34:10 |
1121777377 |
04:08 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:34:14 |
1319393435 |
deleted |
dispossessed |
2017-04-07 18:24:03 |
1818755751 |
lineup |
2017-04-07 19:34:41 |
1637103365 |
04:38 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:34:37 |
1886749729 |
04:34 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 19:34:40 |
1682371016 |
04:38 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:34:40 |
1682371016 |
04:38 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:36:39 |
1733608535 |
06:37 |
card |
2017-04-07 19:34:40 |
1682371016 |
04:38 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:37:45 |
1143161136 |
07:43 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 19:38:03 |
1865401696 |
08:00 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:39:33 |
1629289718 |
09:30 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:39:40 |
1727671774 |
09:37 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:39:40 |
1727671774 |
09:37 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:40:34 |
1185144404 |
10:32 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:41:21 |
1499099301 |
11:18 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:40:34 |
1185144404 |
10:32 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:41:43 |
1192209819 |
11:40 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:42:18 |
1493454307 |
12:15 |
corner |
2017-04-07 19:42:18 |
1493454307 |
12:15 |
corner |
2017-04-07 19:42:21 |
1547506599 |
12:18 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:39:38 |
1440982531 |
09:36 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:41:35 |
1834386465 |
deleted |
tackle |
2017-04-07 19:39:38 |
1727671774 |
09:36 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:39:38 |
1440982531 |
09:36 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:39:38 |
1440982531 |
09:36 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:44:50 |
1266041873 |
deleted |
challenge |
2017-04-07 19:43:41 |
1850565004 |
deleted |
out |
2017-04-07 19:46:03 |
1352740922 |
16:00 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:47:11 |
1756971438 |
17:09 |
corner |
2017-04-07 19:47:15 |
1758168930 |
17:12 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:47:15 |
1758168930 |
17:12 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:47:11 |
1756971438 |
17:09 |
corner |
2017-04-07 19:47:55 |
1375996567 |
17:53 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:49:55 |
1990654582 |
deleted |
tackle |
2017-04-07 19:50:55 |
1769036597 |
20:52 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 19:51:24 |
1165800502 |
21:22 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:51:45 |
1484054464 |
21:43 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:52:56 |
1140035277 |
22:54 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:53:24 |
1378730482 |
23:22 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:54:08 |
1971182995 |
24:05 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 19:55:45 |
1460936690 |
25:43 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:55:52 |
2007094891 |
25:50 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:55:52 |
2007094891 |
25:50 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:56:49 |
1277648257 |
26:47 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:56:48 |
1568582728 |
26:45 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:56:46 |
1896017885 |
26:43 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:56:49 |
1703626320 |
26:46 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:56:46 |
1896017885 |
26:43 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:56:46 |
1568582728 |
26:43 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:56:46 |
1896017885 |
26:43 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:56:49 |
1277648257 |
26:46 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:58:12 |
1290771274 |
28:09 |
sub |
2017-04-07 19:58:25 |
1452023317 |
28:22 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:56:49 |
1703626320 |
26:46 |
shot |
2017-04-07 19:58:25 |
1452023317 |
28:22 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:59:01 |
1091863005 |
28:58 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 19:58:12 |
1290771274 |
28:09 |
sub |
2017-04-07 19:56:46 |
1568582728 |
26:43 |
save |
2017-04-07 19:56:49 |
1277648257 |
26:46 |
save |
2017-04-07 20:00:00 |
1790620291 |
deleted |
failed to block |
2017-04-07 20:00:06 |
1962617745 |
30:03 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:00:09 |
1487299242 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-04-07 20:00:58 |
1143337088 |
30:56 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:01:26 |
1640043477 |
31:23 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:03:05 |
1901601272 |
33:02 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:04:06 |
1095389402 |
34:03 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:05:14 |
1769715725 |
35:12 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:05:58 |
1626885303 |
35:55 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:06:05 |
1907417677 |
deleted |
50/50 |
2017-04-07 20:06:23 |
1673768657 |
36:21 |
goal |
Zlatko Junuzovic assisted by Florian Kainz Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:06:23 |
1673768657 |
36:21 |
goal |
Zlatko Junuzovic assisted by Florian Kainz Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:06:23 |
1673768657 |
36:21 |
goal |
Zlatko Junuzovic assisted by Florian Kainz Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:06:23 |
1673768657 |
36:21 |
goal |
Zlatko Junuzovic assisted by Florian Kainz Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:06:23 |
1673768657 |
36:21 |
goal |
Zlatko Junuzovic assisted by Florian Kainz Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:06:20 |
1278887681 |
deleted |
failed to block |
2017-04-07 20:07:45 |
1597341174 |
deleted |
ball touch |
2017-04-07 20:06:23 |
1673768657 |
36:21 |
goal |
Zlatko Junuzovic assisted by Florian Kainz Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:09:30 |
1540318332 |
39:28 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:09:30 |
1540318332 |
39:28 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:09:56 |
1690670207 |
39:54 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:10:15 |
1312138110 |
40:13 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:09:56 |
1690670207 |
39:54 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:11:51 |
1394629582 |
41:49 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:11:51 |
1394629582 |
41:49 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:11:56 |
1748231343 |
deleted |
ball recovery |
2017-04-07 20:06:23 |
1673768657 |
36:21 |
goal |
Zlatko Junuzovic assisted by Florian Kainz Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:06:23 |
1673768657 |
36:21 |
goal |
Zlatko Junuzovic assisted by Florian Kainz Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:12:25 |
1477662912 |
42:23 |
goal |
Fin Bartels assisted by Max Kruse Out Of Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:12:25 |
1477662912 |
42:23 |
goal |
Fin Bartels assisted by Max Kruse Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:12:25 |
1477662912 |
42:23 |
goal |
Fin Bartels assisted by Max Kruse Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:13:39 |
2059648306 |
43:37 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:12:25 |
1477662912 |
42:23 |
goal |
Fin Bartels assisted by Max Kruse Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:12:25 |
1477662912 |
42:23 |
goal |
Fin Bartels assisted by Max Kruse Box, Centre, goal |
2017-04-07 20:14:04 |
1885363745 |
44:01 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:14:11 |
2103726090 |
44:09 |
save |
2017-04-07 20:14:11 |
2103726090 |
44:09 |
save |
2017-04-07 20:14:17 |
1232151204 |
44:15 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:14:09 |
1208711961 |
44:06 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:14:46 |
1766570857 |
44:44 |
block |
2017-04-07 20:14:09 |
1208711961 |
44:06 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:14:44 |
1242969949 |
44:41 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:14:09 |
1208711961 |
44:06 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:14:44 |
1242969949 |
44:41 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:16:04 |
1186034628 |
20:16:04 |
1e |
2017-04-07 20:16:01 |
1186034628 |
20:16:01 |
1e |
2017-04-07 20:15:13 |
1359212050 |
45:11 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:14:44 |
1242969949 |
44:41 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:31:37 |
1785690403 |
45:00 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:32:02 |
1548807200 |
20:32:02 |
2s |
2017-04-07 20:33:16 |
1643424008 |
46:13 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:19 |
1300628735 |
47:16 |
goal |
David Abraham assisted by Bastian Oczipka Box, Centre, corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:19 |
1300628735 |
47:16 |
goal |
David Abraham assisted by Bastian Oczipka Box, Centre, corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:19 |
1300628735 |
47:16 |
goal |
Mijat Gacinovic assisted by Bastian Oczipka Box, Centre, corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:59 |
1778046829 |
47:56 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:35:04 |
1959441203 |
48:01 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:19 |
1300628735 |
47:16 |
goal |
Mijat Gacinovic assisted by David Abraham Box, Centre, corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:19 |
1300628735 |
47:16 |
goal |
Mijat Gacinovic assisted by David Abraham Box, Centre, corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:35:43 |
1858643864 |
48:40 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:34:17 |
1103868928 |
47:15 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:35:43 |
1858643864 |
48:40 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:34:19 |
1300628735 |
47:16 |
goal |
Mijat Gacinovic assisted by David Abraham Box, Centre, corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:17 |
1103868928 |
47:15 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:36:28 |
1330440236 |
49:25 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:36:41 |
1086952138 |
49:38 |
block |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:17 |
1103868928 |
47:15 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:36:50 |
1307409952 |
49:47 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:34:19 |
1300628735 |
47:16 |
goal |
Mijat Gacinovic assisted by David Abraham Small Box, corner |
2017-04-07 20:36:41 |
1998575176 |
49:38 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:36:41 |
1998575176 |
49:38 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:36:41 |
1998575176 |
49:38 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:38:07 |
1488996456 |
51:04 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:38:07 |
1488996456 |
51:04 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:39:14 |
1690771604 |
52:11 |
card |
2017-04-07 20:31:37 |
1785690403 |
45:00 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:39:47 |
1489495052 |
52:44 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:39:40 |
1489495052 |
52:38 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:39:55 |
1138102345 |
52:52 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:39:55 |
1138102345 |
52:52 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:39:55 |
1138102345 |
52:52 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:40:01 |
1853886573 |
deleted |
out |
2017-04-07 20:39:55 |
1138102345 |
52:52 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:39:40 |
1489495052 |
52:38 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:40:09 |
1710850820 |
53:06 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:39:40 |
1489495052 |
52:38 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:39:40 |
1489495052 |
52:38 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:41:49 |
1805765907 |
deleted |
interception |
2017-04-07 20:41:49 |
1722636412 |
deleted |
50/50 |
2017-04-07 20:42:14 |
1881170232 |
55:11 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:17 |
1103868928 |
47:15 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:43:10 |
1115409586 |
56:07 |
block |
2017-04-07 20:42:25 |
1561379953 |
deleted |
failed to block |
2017-04-07 20:43:09 |
1471583518 |
56:06 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:43:30 |
1652369918 |
56:27 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:43:09 |
1471583518 |
56:06 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:34:17 |
1103868928 |
47:15 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:19 |
1300628735 |
47:16 |
goal |
Mijat Gacinovic assisted by David Abraham Small Box, corner |
2017-04-07 20:34:17 |
1103868928 |
47:15 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:34:14 |
1586411447 |
47:11 |
corner |
2017-04-07 20:45:39 |
1855508105 |
deleted |
50/50 |
2017-04-07 20:45:50 |
1877945407 |
58:47 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:45:38 |
1339322771 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-04-07 20:45:39 |
1953431654 |
deleted |
50/50 |
2017-04-07 20:48:05 |
1426800201 |
61:02 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:48:05 |
1426800201 |
61:02 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:48:44 |
2074802059 |
61:41 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:49:02 |
1168838662 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-04-07 20:48:51 |
1661940809 |
deleted |
ball recovery |
2017-04-07 20:49:09 |
1871676586 |
62:06 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:49:24 |
2031366802 |
62:21 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:49:53 |
1453261938 |
62:50 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:52:22 |
1551282741 |
deleted |
take on |
2017-04-07 20:53:58 |
1307303875 |
66:55 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:54:22 |
1132329177 |
67:19 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:54:40 |
1814441980 |
67:37 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:54:22 |
1132329177 |
67:19 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:31:37 |
1785690403 |
45:00 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:55:29 |
1967456166 |
deleted |
50/50 |
2017-04-07 20:55:35 |
1490569606 |
68:32 |
card |
2017-04-07 20:56:02 |
1345680553 |
68:59 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:54:22 |
1132329177 |
67:19 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:31:37 |
1785690403 |
45:00 |
sub |
2017-04-07 20:56:59 |
1379205601 |
69:56 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:58:19 |
1605368465 |
71:16 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 20:58:28 |
1595135316 |
71:25 |
penalty |
2017-04-07 20:59:28 |
1699107619 |
72:25 |
goal |
Marco Fabián Box, Centre, penalty |
2017-04-07 20:59:28 |
1699107619 |
72:25 |
goal |
Marco Fabián Box, Centre, penalty |
2017-04-07 21:00:15 |
1924140352 |
73:12 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:00:42 |
2060990774 |
73:39 |
card |
2017-04-07 21:01:17 |
2107810898 |
74:14 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:01:58 |
1525013769 |
74:55 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:02:15 |
1347693771 |
75:12 |
save |
2017-04-07 21:02:14 |
1228374592 |
75:11 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:03:05 |
1435626859 |
76:02 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:02:14 |
1228374592 |
75:11 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:02:04 |
1699606030 |
deleted |
50/50 |
2017-04-07 21:03:47 |
1796052526 |
76:44 |
sub |
2017-04-07 21:03:47 |
1796052526 |
76:44 |
sub |
2017-04-07 21:03:58 |
1689321959 |
76:55 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:04:46 |
1608787929 |
77:43 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:05:09 |
1230283784 |
78:06 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:05:09 |
1230283784 |
78:06 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:05:33 |
1758833525 |
deleted |
out |
2017-04-07 21:06:00 |
1429458110 |
78:57 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:06:53 |
1651815020 |
79:50 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:06:53 |
1651815020 |
79:50 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:07:23 |
2141869035 |
80:20 |
sub |
2017-04-07 21:07:23 |
2141869035 |
80:20 |
sub |
2017-04-07 21:07:54 |
1452582861 |
deleted |
challenge |
2017-04-07 21:08:25 |
1523866196 |
81:22 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:08:25 |
1523866196 |
81:22 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:08:43 |
1715167455 |
81:40 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:06:53 |
1651815020 |
79:50 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:07:51 |
1854163738 |
deleted |
tackle |
2017-04-07 21:09:34 |
1208882543 |
82:31 |
save |
2017-04-07 21:09:37 |
2056578824 |
82:34 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:09:44 |
1676854528 |
deleted |
corner |
2017-04-07 21:09:30 |
1736767243 |
82:27 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:09:30 |
1736767243 |
82:27 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:09:30 |
1208882543 |
82:27 |
save |
2017-04-07 21:09:37 |
2056578824 |
82:34 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:11:19 |
1410678635 |
84:16 |
corner |
2017-04-07 21:11:24 |
1985397293 |
84:21 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:12:04 |
1917873328 |
85:01 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:12:55 |
1206715593 |
85:52 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:13:04 |
1658788830 |
deleted |
aerial |
2017-04-07 21:13:16 |
1511163064 |
86:13 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:13:32 |
1628502823 |
86:29 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:13:44 |
2098962477 |
86:41 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:14:26 |
1204647596 |
87:23 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 20:45:37 |
1625268247 |
deleted |
pass |
2017-04-07 21:15:25 |
1604921338 |
88:22 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:16:34 |
1470455409 |
89:31 |
block |
2017-04-07 21:16:27 |
1694262391 |
89:24 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:16:34 |
2040838516 |
89:31 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:17:03 |
1985581480 |
90:00 |
corner |
2017-04-07 21:16:34 |
2040838516 |
89:31 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:17:18 |
1831576809 |
deleted |
failed to block |
2017-04-07 21:16:34 |
2040838516 |
89:31 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:17:27 |
1213125929 |
90:24 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:17:50 |
1490060506 |
90:47 |
freekick |
2017-04-07 21:18:21 |
1163456765 |
91:18 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:18:50 |
1116536207 |
91:48 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:18:21 |
1163456765 |
91:18 |
shot |
2017-04-07 21:20:09 |
1879197661 |
93:06 |
throwin |
2017-04-07 21:20:09 |
1088939302 |
21:20:09 |
2e |
2017-04-07 21:20:24 |
1582444656 |
21:20:24 |
ft |
2017-04-07 19:56:46 |
1568582728 |
26:43 |
save |
2017-04-07 21:09:37 |
2056578824 |
82:34 |
shot |
2017-04-07 20:14:09 |
1208711961 |
44:06 |
shot |