
(46625) 2014-11-09 VfL Wolfsburg v Hamburger SV

Timestamp Event Id Minute Type Description  
2014-11-09 13:29:46 1226903887 lineup
2014-11-09 13:29:46 1470420164 lineup
2014-11-09 13:29:46 1470420164 lineup
2014-11-09 13:29:46 1226903887 lineup
2014-11-09 13:29:46 1226903887 lineup
2014-11-09 14:30:48 2013298261 14:30:48 1s
2014-11-09 14:30:48 2013298261 14:30:48 1s
2014-11-09 14:31:31 664229045 00:43 throwin
2014-11-09 14:31:41 997055162 00:53 throwin
2014-11-09 13:29:46 1470420164 lineup
2014-11-09 14:31:41 997055162 00:53 throwin
2014-11-09 14:33:29 1781624880 02:41 throwin
2014-11-09 14:34:47 787207236 03:58 throwin
2014-11-09 14:34:54 1058368438 deleted pass
2014-11-09 14:34:59 1907159718 04:11 throwin
2014-11-09 14:34:55 2013808042 deleted out
2014-11-09 14:35:27 679879694 04:39 freekick
2014-11-09 14:35:27 679879694 04:39 freekick
2014-11-09 14:35:08 1392717330 04:20 shot
2014-11-09 14:36:04 1795669633 05:16 throwin
2014-11-09 14:36:37 922885608 05:49 freekick
2014-11-09 14:35:08 1392717330 04:20 shot
2014-11-09 14:34:59 1907159718 04:11 throwin
2014-11-09 14:37:27 562453859 06:39 save
2014-11-09 14:37:27 1732516955 06:39 shot
2014-11-09 14:37:55 1339234384 07:07 throwin
2014-11-09 14:37:27 1732516955 06:39 shot
2014-11-09 14:38:45 452066577 07:57 throwin
2014-11-09 14:39:06 1664542356 08:18 throwin
2014-11-09 14:39:27 353227479 08:39 throwin
2014-11-09 14:39:43 699580953 08:55 throwin
2014-11-09 14:39:51 1125605920 09:02 save
2014-11-09 14:39:51 1125605920 09:02 save
2014-11-09 14:39:49 1429830015 09:01 shot
2014-11-09 14:40:56 256192854 10:08 throwin
2014-11-09 14:39:11 1305789863 deleted event placeholder
2014-11-09 14:39:11 1012613890 deleted event placeholder
2014-11-09 14:39:49 1429830015 09:01 shot
2014-11-09 14:42:11 1543420059 11:23 throwin
2014-11-09 14:43:21 623078720 12:33 throwin
2014-11-09 14:36:10 1634008890 deleted interception
2014-11-09 14:43:55 537837938 13:07 freekick
2014-11-09 14:44:20 844547772 deleted pass
2014-11-09 14:45:12 495106855 14:24 block
2014-11-09 14:45:09 1677022005 14:21 shot
2014-11-09 14:46:13 2139238064 15:25 freekick
2014-11-09 14:45:38 1033828958 deleted pass
2014-11-09 14:47:46 2004747781 16:58 freekick
2014-11-09 14:48:03 1093813035 17:15 card
2014-11-09 14:48:03 1093813035 17:15 card
2014-11-09 14:48:40 2139778145 17:52 block
2014-11-09 14:48:37 899704560 17:49 freekick
2014-11-09 14:48:39 719178922 17:51 shot
2014-11-09 14:48:37 899704560 17:49 freekick
2014-11-09 14:48:55 199905151 deleted offside provoked
2014-11-09 14:48:59 163823954 deleted offside provoked
2014-11-09 14:48:46 935861344 deleted out
2014-11-09 14:48:46 511424962 deleted ball touch
2014-11-09 14:50:02 2023378900 19:14 throwin
2014-11-09 14:49:06 1002915447 18:18 freekick
2014-11-09 14:49:06 1002915447 18:18 freekick
2014-11-09 14:48:39 719178922 17:51 shot
2014-11-09 14:48:37 899704560 17:49 freekick
2014-11-09 14:50:56 638869670 20:08 throwin
2014-11-09 14:51:01 453756469 deleted tackle
2014-11-09 14:51:19 676460593 20:31 freekick
2014-11-09 14:51:19 676460593 20:31 freekick
2014-11-09 14:51:46 13638874 20:58 card
2014-11-09 14:52:33 1360528635 21:45 freekick
2014-11-09 14:53:03 186137974 22:15 throwin
2014-11-09 14:54:36 1452982371 23:48 throwin
2014-11-09 14:54:45 1179121268 deleted ball recovery
2014-11-09 14:55:08 2114137325 24:20 freekick
2014-11-09 14:55:34 1171883906 24:46 corner
2014-11-09 14:55:47 1107520937 deleted pass
2014-11-09 14:55:57 1798889326 25:08 throwin
2014-11-09 14:56:05 1683437716 25:17 throwin
2014-11-09 14:56:36 2019043869 25:48 freekick
2014-11-09 14:56:49 1371902441 26:00 freekick
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:57:48 127502155 27:00 goal Ivica Olic assisted by Aaron Hunt Out Of Box, Centre, corner
2014-11-09 14:57:47 268729953 26:59 shot
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:57:47 268729953 26:59 shot
2014-11-09 14:59:17 426335098 deleted corner
2014-11-09 14:59:16 1407078887 deleted take on
2014-11-09 14:59:10 1384025268 deleted take on
2014-11-09 14:57:47 268729953 26:59 shot
2014-11-09 14:59:10 1510420255 deleted challenge
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:59:46 714116909 28:57 freekick
2014-11-09 14:57:48 127502155 27:00 goal Ivica Olic assisted by Aaron Hunt Box, Centre, corner
2014-11-09 14:57:47 268729953 26:59 shot
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:59:46 714116909 28:57 freekick
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:57:48 127502155 27:00 goal Ivica Olic assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, corner
2014-11-09 14:59:46 714116909 28:57 freekick
2014-11-09 15:00:26 1364446646 29:38 throwin
2014-11-09 14:57:47 127502155 26:59 goal Ivica Olic assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, corner
2014-11-09 14:57:46 268729953 26:58 shot
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:57:45 843454885 26:57 corner
2014-11-09 14:57:46 268729953 26:58 shot
2014-11-09 15:01:17 1124918961 30:28 throwin
2014-11-09 15:01:46 1079589046 30:58 throwin
2014-11-09 15:01:59 1219787079 31:11 block
2014-11-09 14:57:47 127502155 26:59 goal Ivica Olic assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, corner
2014-11-09 15:01:59 642104186 31:11 shot
2014-11-09 15:01:59 642104186 31:11 shot
2014-11-09 15:02:39 1604437502 31:51 shot
2014-11-09 15:01:59 642104186 31:11 shot
2014-11-09 15:03:33 1053055611 32:45 freekick
2014-11-09 15:02:39 1604437502 31:51 shot
2014-11-09 15:05:53 1011166442 35:04 throwin
2014-11-09 14:57:47 127502155 26:59 goal Ivica Olic assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, corner
2014-11-09 15:06:37 753259165 35:49 throwin
2014-11-09 15:07:13 1639743022 36:25 throwin
2014-11-09 15:07:26 992255599 36:38 block
2014-11-09 15:07:22 623592222 36:34 shot
2014-11-09 15:07:22 623592222 36:34 shot
2014-11-09 15:07:22 992255599 36:34 block
2014-11-09 15:09:21 1672689205 38:33 throwin
2014-11-09 15:07:15 279231749 deleted 50/50
2014-11-09 15:07:15 1087867460 deleted 50/50
2014-11-09 15:10:10 472186992 39:22 throwin
2014-11-09 15:10:32 1068271860 39:44 throwin
2014-11-09 15:10:44 672573612 39:55 throwin
2014-11-09 15:10:35 2032019591 deleted corner
2014-11-09 15:10:36 1571584574 deleted corner
2014-11-09 15:11:18 394726205 40:30 freekick
2014-11-09 15:10:32 1068271860 39:44 throwin
2014-11-09 15:12:04 831229613 deleted pass
2014-11-09 15:12:35 385702456 41:47 freekick
2014-11-09 15:12:35 385702456 41:47 freekick
2014-11-09 15:12:35 385702456 41:47 freekick
2014-11-09 15:12:35 385702456 41:47 freekick
2014-11-09 15:13:31 562318467 42:42 throwin
2014-11-09 15:14:23 1794926472 43:35 throwin
2014-11-09 15:15:27 1593475588 44:39 card
2014-11-09 15:16:16 1960651099 15:16:16 1e
2014-11-09 15:16:14 367859512 45:26 freekick
2014-11-09 15:16:14 367859512 45:26 freekick
2014-11-09 15:05:48 1535437699 deleted event placeholder
2014-11-09 15:16:23 1756025991 deleted event placeholder
2014-11-09 15:12:35 385702456 41:47 freekick
2014-11-09 14:59:46 714116909 28:57 freekick
2014-11-09 14:57:44 843454885 26:56 corner
2014-11-09 15:32:51 2128642532 15:32:51 2s
2014-11-09 15:32:51 2128642532 15:32:51 2s
2014-11-09 15:33:13 2136481657 45:21 throwin
2014-11-09 15:32:51 2128642532 15:32:51 2s
2014-11-09 15:33:48 1613079937 45:56 throwin
2014-11-09 15:34:01 2117855348 46:10 throwin
2014-11-09 15:34:07 305638285 deleted pass
2014-11-09 15:34:20 493118055 46:28 throwin
2014-11-09 15:34:51 778760523 46:59 throwin
2014-11-09 15:35:06 649861482 47:14 throwin
2014-11-09 15:36:03 799908974 48:11 throwin
2014-11-09 15:36:03 799908974 48:11 throwin
2014-11-09 15:36:54 683163523 49:02 freekick
2014-11-09 15:36:54 683163523 49:02 freekick
2014-11-09 15:36:57 490252316 49:06 shot
2014-11-09 15:37:52 1774902812 50:01 throwin
2014-11-09 15:38:35 417409788 50:43 throwin
2014-11-09 15:38:41 1758392009 50:49 throwin
2014-11-09 15:39:01 2004896184 51:10 throwin
2014-11-09 15:40:37 1984187089 52:46 throwin
2014-11-09 15:40:47 102921618 52:56 throwin
2014-11-09 15:41:19 2042111493 53:27 throwin
2014-11-09 15:41:46 2117901001 deleted tackle
2014-11-09 15:42:12 1900514614 54:21 throwin
2014-11-09 15:42:20 84931409 deleted ball recovery
2014-11-09 15:42:28 658371740 54:37 freekick
2014-11-09 15:43:22 1663193132 55:31 shot
2014-11-09 15:43:22 1663193132 55:31 shot
2014-11-09 15:44:28 1588557174 56:36 throwin
2014-11-09 15:41:02 506125908 deleted out
2014-11-09 15:41:02 2108625741 deleted out
2014-11-09 15:41:14 1016290523 deleted blocked pass
2014-11-09 15:45:15 1032272302 57:24 throwin
2014-11-09 15:45:21 1032272302 57:30 throwin
2014-11-09 15:45:36 675608879 57:44 freekick
2014-11-09 15:45:21 1032272302 57:30 throwin
2014-11-09 15:46:12 1365834759 58:21 block
2014-11-09 15:46:18 1420707115 58:26 shot
2014-11-09 15:46:12 1242870752 58:20 shot
2014-11-09 15:47:00 194754009 59:08 throwin
2014-11-09 15:46:12 1365834759 58:21 block
2014-11-09 15:46:12 1242870752 58:20 shot
2014-11-09 15:47:14 1848725902 59:22 save
2014-11-09 15:46:12 1365834759 58:20 block
2014-11-09 15:47:13 18563201 59:22 shot
2014-11-09 15:46:12 1365834759 58:20 block
2014-11-09 15:47:43 234872166 59:51 corner
2014-11-09 15:46:12 1242870752 58:20 shot
2014-11-09 15:47:43 234872166 59:51 corner
2014-11-09 15:47:45 677585750 59:54 shot
2014-11-09 15:48:20 271221505 60:28 throwin
2014-11-09 15:49:02 802025811 61:11 block
2014-11-09 15:49:02 802025811 61:11 block
2014-11-09 15:49:39 1295661 61:48 card
2014-11-09 15:49:39 1295661 61:48 card
2014-11-09 15:49:01 1700293202 61:09 shot
2014-11-09 15:49:01 1700293202 61:09 shot
2014-11-09 15:50:33 419239451 62:42 block
2014-11-09 15:50:45 1726263326 62:54 goal Aaron Hunt assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, goal
2014-11-09 15:50:44 1726263326 62:53 goal Aaron Hunt assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, goal
2014-11-09 15:50:30 1413532493 62:39 shot
2014-11-09 15:50:44 1726263326 62:53 goal Aaron Hunt assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, goal
2014-11-09 15:50:30 419239451 62:39 block
2014-11-09 15:50:44 1726263326 62:53 goal Aaron Hunt assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, goal
2014-11-09 15:52:41 1220601068 64:49 throwin
2014-11-09 15:53:04 1551507663 65:12 throwin
2014-11-09 15:53:10 1574139680 deleted pass
2014-11-09 15:53:37 555035170 65:45 freekick
2014-11-09 15:53:54 65403293 66:03 card
2014-11-09 15:53:54 65403293 66:03 card
2014-11-09 15:54:14 708791774 66:23 freekick
2014-11-09 15:53:47 65403293 65:56 card
2014-11-09 15:53:37 555035170 65:45 freekick
2014-11-09 15:55:34 1439811311 67:43 throwin
2014-11-09 15:53:39 1855522161 deleted aerial
2014-11-09 15:45:15 1032272302 57:24 throwin
2014-11-09 15:45:15 1032272302 57:24 throwin
2014-11-09 15:57:31 1272764963 69:40 sub
2014-11-09 15:57:39 655605147 69:48 throwin
2014-11-09 15:58:06 241928248 deleted failed to block
2014-11-09 15:58:45 809698874 deleted 50/50
2014-11-09 15:59:16 1409165950 71:25 throwin
2014-11-09 15:59:37 645468697 71:45 block
2014-11-09 15:59:37 133663490 71:45 shot
2014-11-09 16:00:52 1372848596 73:00 freekick
2014-11-09 15:59:37 133663490 71:45 shot
2014-11-09 16:00:44 2030500236 deleted ball touch
2014-11-09 16:02:21 1256332416 74:29 throwin
2014-11-09 16:02:55 457344679 75:04 throwin
2014-11-09 16:03:34 1926104605 deleted take on
2014-11-09 16:04:13 1333952653 76:22 freekick
2014-11-09 15:54:56 246214132 deleted pass
2014-11-09 16:05:14 1353412764 77:23 throwin
2014-11-09 16:05:21 353287637 77:29 save
2014-11-09 16:05:21 353287637 77:29 save
2014-11-09 16:05:20 99483899 77:28 shot
2014-11-09 16:06:28 1634599919 78:36 sub
2014-11-09 16:06:37 292329408 78:45 sub
2014-11-09 16:06:41 292329408 78:50 sub
2014-11-09 16:07:04 509785629 79:12 freekick
2014-11-09 16:08:06 2050145077 80:15 sub
2014-11-09 15:50:44 1726263326 62:53 goal Aaron Hunt assisted by Kevin De Bruyne Box, Centre, goal
2014-11-09 16:08:09 2050145077 80:18 sub
2014-11-09 16:08:19 1086690333 80:27 throwin
2014-11-09 16:09:00 1161605779 81:08 throwin
2014-11-09 16:09:12 1985981489 81:20 throwin
2014-11-09 16:06:28 1634599919 78:36 sub
2014-11-09 16:09:00 1161605779 81:08 throwin
2014-11-09 16:06:41 292329408 78:50 sub
2014-11-09 16:09:44 683128645 81:52 freekick
2014-11-09 16:10:01 286372201 deleted take on
2014-11-09 16:10:01 1906771795 deleted challenge
2014-11-09 16:10:06 301363875 82:15 shot
2014-11-09 16:10:41 151114497 82:50 sub
2014-11-09 16:10:06 301363875 82:15 shot
2014-11-09 16:11:14 324004555 83:23 throwin
2014-11-09 16:10:39 151114497 82:48 sub
2014-11-09 16:10:39 151114497 82:48 sub
2014-11-09 16:08:09 2050145077 80:18 sub
2014-11-09 16:12:02 244635316 84:11 sub
2014-11-09 16:12:16 986647199 84:24 freekick
2014-11-09 16:12:37 1108540213 84:45 throwin
2014-11-09 16:12:48 1754804061 deleted pass
2014-11-09 16:14:40 1256879622 86:48 throwin
2014-11-09 16:14:40 1256879622 86:48 throwin
2014-11-09 16:14:06 387288622 86:15 throwin
2014-11-09 16:15:34 1679336399 deleted 50/50
2014-11-09 16:13:50 717316635 deleted out
2014-11-09 16:15:58 1404794715 88:06 freekick
2014-11-09 16:15:58 1404794715 88:06 freekick
2014-11-09 16:16:40 518926756 88:49 freekick
2014-11-09 16:14:12 1691875956 86:21 throwin
2014-11-09 16:17:36 1314870041 89:44 save
2014-11-09 16:17:33 102319079 89:42 shot
2014-11-09 16:17:33 1314870041 89:42 save
2014-11-09 16:14:06 387288622 86:15 throwin
2014-11-09 16:19:53 1281176481 16:19:53 2e
2014-11-09 16:14:30 1487535690 deleted interception
2014-11-09 16:14:40 1256879622 86:48 throwin
2014-11-09 16:14:40 1256879622 86:48 throwin
2014-11-09 16:14:40 1256879622 86:48 throwin
2014-11-09 16:14:40 1256879622 86:48 throwin
2014-11-09 16:14:36 1256879622 86:45 throwin
2014-11-09 16:12:16 986647199 84:24 freekick
2014-11-09 16:23:48 1187427647 16:23:48 ft
2014-11-09 16:06:43 1668915625 deleted formation change
2014-11-09 14:37:27 562453859 06:39 save
2014-11-09 15:01:59 642104186 31:11 shot
2014-11-09 14:57:46 268729953 26:58 shot
2014-11-09 16:14:12 1691875956 86:21 throwin