
(47672) 2014-09-23 Bayern Munich v SC Paderborn 07

Timestamp Event Id Minute Type Description  
2014-09-23 17:55:30 1016847492 lineup
2014-09-23 17:55:30 1016847492 lineup
2014-09-23 17:55:30 1838394000 lineup
2014-09-23 17:55:30 1016847492 lineup
2014-09-23 17:55:30 1838394000 lineup
2014-09-23 19:00:07 1016739914 19:00:07 1s
2014-09-23 19:01:22 1652919443 01:14 throwin
2014-09-23 19:03:14 1546562352 03:06 shot
2014-09-23 19:03:11 1546562352 03:04 shot
2014-09-23 19:04:31 1444746118 04:24 corner
2014-09-23 19:04:31 1444746118 04:24 corner
2014-09-23 19:05:03 1071451129 04:56 freekick
2014-09-23 19:01:43 857981615 deleted failed to block
2014-09-23 19:05:42 894746252 05:35 throwin
2014-09-23 19:07:12 731676540 07:05 goal Mario Götze assisted by Thomas Müller Box, Centre, goal
2014-09-23 17:55:30 1016847492 lineup
2014-09-23 19:07:12 731676540 07:05 goal Mario Götze assisted by Thomas Müller Box, Centre, goal
2014-09-23 19:08:46 808568304 08:39 shot
2014-09-23 19:09:01 536308838 deleted corner
2014-09-23 19:09:19 944632203 09:11 save
2014-09-23 19:09:16 412508561 09:09 shot
2014-09-23 19:10:33 91068479 10:26 shot
2014-09-23 19:11:36 836399993 11:28 freekick
2014-09-23 19:12:15 1084163276 12:07 throwin
2014-09-23 19:12:39 1831497924 12:32 save
2014-09-23 19:12:39 1831497924 12:32 save
2014-09-23 17:55:30 1838394000 lineup
2014-09-23 19:12:38 1734296181 12:30 shot
2014-09-23 19:09:16 944632203 09:09 save
2014-09-23 19:13:38 1235485097 13:30 goal Robert Lewandowski assisted by Mario Götze Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2014-09-23 19:13:38 1235485097 13:30 goal Robert Lewandowski assisted by Mario Götze Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2014-09-23 19:14:43 744557670 14:35 shot
2014-09-23 19:14:39 744557670 14:32 shot
2014-09-23 19:14:39 744557670 14:32 shot
2014-09-23 19:15:38 1773303333 15:30 block
2014-09-23 19:15:35 485877703 15:28 shot
2014-09-23 19:15:35 485877703 15:28 shot
2014-09-23 19:16:03 772319284 15:56 corner
2014-09-23 19:13:38 1235485097 13:30 goal Robert Lewandowski assisted by Philipp Lahm Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2014-09-23 19:16:36 565744160 16:29 freekick
2014-09-23 19:13:38 1235485097 13:30 goal Robert Lewandowski assisted by Philipp Lahm Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2014-09-23 19:16:03 772319284 15:56 corner
2014-09-23 19:17:44 242994318 17:36 shot
2014-09-23 19:17:44 242994318 17:36 shot
2014-09-23 19:19:30 1808246748 19:22 freekick
2014-09-23 19:19:42 1103297457 19:35 throwin
2014-09-23 19:20:16 1600991929 20:08 throwin
2014-09-23 19:21:36 776146467 21:29 throwin
2014-09-23 19:21:50 321894060 21:43 throwin
2014-09-23 19:23:14 701700973 23:07 throwin
2014-09-23 19:23:36 1772903319 23:28 save
2014-09-23 19:23:36 32977497 23:28 shot
2014-09-23 19:23:36 32977497 23:28 shot
2014-09-23 19:13:38 1235485097 13:30 goal Robert Lewandowski assisted by Philipp Lahm Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2014-09-23 19:25:04 259862423 deleted ball recovery
2014-09-23 19:23:36 32977497 23:28 shot
2014-09-23 19:25:23 540396408 deleted ball recovery
2014-09-23 19:26:58 1615839129 26:51 throwin
2014-09-23 19:28:15 1087005347 28:08 freekick
2014-09-23 19:26:56 1615839129 26:49 throwin
2014-09-23 19:28:35 1168800477 28:28 corner
2014-09-23 19:28:42 1429304265 28:35 shot
2014-09-23 19:30:23 756656983 30:15 throwin
2014-09-23 19:28:35 1168800477 28:28 corner
2014-09-23 19:30:39 929500418 30:32 throwin
2014-09-23 19:31:31 717047155 31:24 throwin
2014-09-23 19:31:52 645586392 31:44 shot
2014-09-23 19:31:52 645586392 31:44 shot
2014-09-23 19:32:24 1677422740 32:17 throwin
2014-09-23 19:33:03 1309653346 32:56 throwin
2014-09-23 19:31:52 645586392 31:44 shot
2014-09-23 19:33:00 2015460989 deleted out
2014-09-23 19:32:57 747697555 deleted ball touch
2014-09-23 19:33:03 1309653346 32:56 throwin
2014-09-23 19:33:03 1309653346 32:56 throwin
2014-09-23 19:34:09 1005317677 34:02 throwin
2014-09-23 19:35:27 1174907968 35:20 shot
2014-09-23 19:35:27 1174907968 35:20 shot
2014-09-23 19:36:21 1028362360 36:14 throwin
2014-09-23 19:35:27 1174907968 35:20 shot
2014-09-23 19:36:41 1875508489 deleted ball recovery
2014-09-23 19:33:03 1309653346 32:56 throwin
2014-09-23 19:33:03 1309653346 32:56 throwin
2014-09-23 19:33:03 1309653346 32:56 throwin
2014-09-23 19:33:03 1309653346 32:56 freekick
2014-09-23 19:38:25 693035113 38:18 shot
2014-09-23 19:39:11 518254993 39:04 freekick
2014-09-23 19:40:14 2121182815 deleted temp_attempt
2014-09-23 19:39:16 1129249959 deleted out
2014-09-23 19:40:43 1158745733 40:35 freekick
2014-09-23 19:41:49 831260603 41:41 block
2014-09-23 19:41:26 1072361321 deleted out
2014-09-23 19:41:24 261106833 41:16 shot
2014-09-23 19:41:49 831260603 41:41 block
2014-09-23 19:41:24 261106833 41:16 shot
2014-09-23 19:42:02 828604975 41:55 corner
2014-09-23 19:42:13 1385671509 deleted good skill
2014-09-23 19:42:34 2121321967 42:27 freekick
2014-09-23 19:43:58 1826023252 43:51 throwin
2014-09-23 19:45:12 1037328602 19:45:12 1e
2014-09-23 19:41:24 831260603 41:16 block
2014-09-23 19:45:08 1037328602 19:45:08 1e
2014-09-23 19:41:24 261106833 41:16 shot
2014-09-23 19:41:24 831260603 41:16 block
2014-09-23 19:02:59 641282821 deleted event placeholder
2014-09-23 19:17:12 2043517134 deleted tackle
2014-09-23 19:17:12 1313786911 deleted take on
2014-09-23 19:17:20 1780527821 deleted pass
2014-09-23 19:13:38 1235485097 13:30 goal Robert Lewandowski assisted by Philipp Lahm Out Of Box, Centre, goal
2014-09-23 20:02:13 1631404641 45:00 sub
2014-09-23 20:02:13 1631404641 45:00 sub
2014-09-23 20:02:43 551710549 45:00 sub
2014-09-23 20:02:52 1285590193 20:02:52 2s
2014-09-23 20:03:03 1137141934 45:10 throwin
2014-09-23 20:02:43 551710549 45:00 sub
2014-09-23 20:03:21 1490992691 45:29 freekick
2014-09-23 20:03:31 552735096 45:38 freekick
2014-09-23 20:07:00 2024359942 49:07 shot
2014-09-23 20:08:31 77983604 50:39 throwin
2014-09-23 20:08:46 554079766 50:53 throwin
2014-09-23 20:06:08 1372968186 deleted pass
2014-09-23 20:09:25 1970038336 deleted pass
2014-09-23 20:09:43 471917761 51:51 throwin
2014-09-23 20:07:00 2024359942 49:07 shot
2014-09-23 20:11:00 13784754 53:07 throwin
2014-09-23 20:11:11 1504151759 53:19 throwin
2014-09-23 20:11:17 1969994226 53:24 throwin
2014-09-23 20:11:25 420422433 53:33 throwin
2014-09-23 20:12:07 800122640 54:14 freekick
2014-09-23 20:13:29 1171121597 55:36 freekick
2014-09-23 20:10:52 722638153 53:00 throwin
2014-09-23 20:14:46 308093203 56:53 corner
2014-09-23 20:14:58 718643154 57:05 throwin
2014-09-23 20:15:51 564819621 57:58 corner
2014-09-23 20:15:55 484776519 deleted take on
2014-09-23 20:17:05 1996973053 59:12 shot
2014-09-23 20:16:09 2130759599 58:17 shot
2014-09-23 20:16:02 2130759599 58:10 shot
2014-09-23 20:16:02 2130759599 58:10 shot
2014-09-23 20:16:09 2130759599 58:17 shot
2014-09-23 20:16:01 2130759599 58:09 shot
2014-09-23 20:19:49 540815385 61:56 sub
2014-09-23 20:19:45 1412527590 61:53 corner
2014-09-23 20:19:47 644065840 61:55 shot
2014-09-23 20:19:45 1412527590 61:53 corner
2014-09-23 20:19:45 1412527590 61:53 corner
2014-09-23 20:20:57 518215111 63:04 block
2014-09-23 20:20:56 1553304434 63:04 shot
2014-09-23 20:22:38 665329606 64:45 freekick
2014-09-23 20:19:31 540815385 61:39 sub
2014-09-23 20:21:49 275496536 63:56 shot
2014-09-23 20:24:21 1266024802 66:28 corner
2014-09-23 20:25:16 1366800509 67:23 freekick
2014-09-23 20:26:11 849780759 deleted take on
2014-09-23 20:26:33 2126501812 68:40 freekick
2014-09-23 20:26:07 1494702554 68:14 throwin
2014-09-23 20:27:04 539409395 69:11 save
2014-09-23 20:21:29 1610184654 deleted pass
2014-09-23 20:27:33 1593326564 69:41 corner
2014-09-23 20:27:03 1062928827 69:11 shot
2014-09-23 20:27:33 1593326564 69:41 corner
2014-09-23 20:26:07 1494702554 68:14 throwin
2014-09-23 20:30:35 1879743869 72:43 throwin
2014-09-23 20:31:54 1168521281 74:01 freekick
2014-09-23 20:32:20 1242801542 74:27 freekick
2014-09-23 20:32:44 214831454 74:51 block
2014-09-23 20:32:41 598445892 74:48 shot
2014-09-23 20:33:25 362944264 75:32 sub
2014-09-23 20:32:41 598445892 74:48 shot
2014-09-23 20:33:46 981715969 75:53 sub
2014-09-23 20:33:54 351485641 76:01 throwin
2014-09-23 20:32:41 598445892 74:48 shot
2014-09-23 20:34:08 317878080 76:16 throwin
2014-09-23 20:34:42 29719365 76:50 throwin
2014-09-23 20:33:42 981715969 75:50 sub
2014-09-23 20:35:08 190008851 77:15 freekick
2014-09-23 20:35:42 82514025 77:50 save
2014-09-23 20:35:31 1378563207 77:38 goal Mario Götze assisted by Thomas Müller Small Box, Right, goal
2014-09-23 20:35:29 679927636 77:36 shot
2014-09-23 20:35:31 1378563207 77:38 goal Mario Götze assisted by Thomas Müller Small Box, Right, goal
2014-09-23 20:37:11 1753698636 79:18 sub
2014-09-23 20:37:26 1493530251 79:33 throwin
2014-09-23 20:35:31 1378563207 77:38 goal Mario Götze Small Box, Right, goal
2014-09-23 20:38:18 2140999655 80:25 throwin
2014-09-23 20:38:52 338388703 deleted clearance
2014-09-23 20:40:06 1869954294 82:13 throwin
2014-09-23 20:40:38 1286257081 82:45 throwin
2014-09-23 20:41:00 718183177 83:08 shot
2014-09-23 20:33:25 362944264 75:32 sub
2014-09-23 20:37:11 1753698636 79:18 sub
2014-09-23 20:33:25 362944264 75:32 sub
2014-09-23 20:42:19 700061702 84:27 freekick
2014-09-23 20:37:11 1753698636 79:18 sub
2014-09-23 20:42:48 60355501 84:55 goal Thomas Müller assisted by Arjen Robben Small Box, Right, goal
2014-09-23 20:42:40 60355501 84:48 goal Thomas Müller assisted by Arjen Robben Small Box, Right, goal
2014-09-23 20:42:40 60355501 84:48 goal Thomas Müller assisted by Arjen Robben Small Box, Right, goal
2014-09-23 20:42:40 60355501 84:48 goal Thomas Müller assisted by Arjen Robben Small Box, Right, goal
2014-09-23 20:44:46 1200095659 86:54 corner
2014-09-23 20:45:37 1908642880 87:45 save
2014-09-23 20:45:37 1908642880 87:45 save
2014-09-23 20:45:36 1751542465 87:44 shot
2014-09-23 20:45:57 1468522610 88:04 throwin
2014-09-23 20:45:57 1468522610 88:04 throwin
2014-09-23 20:45:36 1751542465 87:44 shot
2014-09-23 20:47:07 1438761212 89:15 save
2014-09-23 20:46:54 1923532310 89:01 shot
2014-09-23 20:47:23 1472293125 89:31 corner
2014-09-23 20:46:42 917495398 88:49 corner
2014-09-23 20:48:04 1450411512 20:48:04 2e
2014-09-23 20:47:57 1450411512 20:47:57 2e
2014-09-23 20:46:25 1506825924 deleted challenge
2014-09-23 20:37:11 1753698636 79:18 sub
2014-09-23 20:37:11 1753698636 79:18 sub
2014-09-23 20:02:43 551710549 45:00 sub
2014-09-23 20:33:25 362944264 75:32 sub
2014-09-23 20:51:56 403335184 20:51:56 ft
2014-09-23 20:46:54 1923532310 89:01 shot
2014-09-23 20:10:52 722638153 53:00 throwin
2014-09-23 19:09:16 944632203 09:09 save
2014-09-23 19:23:36 1772903319 23:28 save
2014-09-23 20:10:52 722638153 53:00 throwin